Destruction (7/10)

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> You wait tomorrow.You fall onto your bed and begin thinking about all the fun you're going to have the next day.The next morning arrives, and you decide to wait until the next day to deal with the situation. 

 > You say "Ignate"The next day arrives, and you roll over in bed, looking at the door."Ignate!"You pull back the covers and jump out of bed, walking over to the door.

 > You say "Butler"You knock on the door loudly, as Ignates appears in your room."Butle-"You quickly open the door as you shove Ignates to the side.

 > You say "How are you?"Ignates is standing behind you, and you nearly forget what you were going to say."Ah! How are you?"Ignates smiles and nods."I'm doing great, how are you?"

 > You say "So eliza is pregnant?"Ignates nods again."Ah, yes she is."You sigh and nod, too tired to continue arguing."Well, I'll talk to you later then.""Alrighty then!" 

 > You say "Gather the man"Ignates is standing by your desk, waiting patiently. You quickly walk over to him, and begin explaining the situation. 

 > You say "We need to attack the vampire kingdom"Ignates raises an eyebrow."I'm afraid I disagree. It is not our fight. We have no quarrel with them."You grab his shoulder and lean in.

 > You say "Who should we attack?"Ignates thinks for a moment, before pointing to the south."The elves. They're evil bastards who deserve nothing but death."You sigh and nod."What's the plan?" 

 > You say "Gather the men to attack the elves""Good idea."Ignates nods seriously."Oh yes!"You walk over to the table and begin organizing things. Ignates stands by your side, watching you organize. 

 > You organize your troop.You organize your troops groups by how many there are, with the most experienced and well equipped fighters in the front, with the second best all the way at the back.You arrive with your army at the elves border, and begin advancing towards them. The elves begin receiving messages of the approaching army, and quickly begin preparing for your arrival.You arrive at the border, and find a large army waiting for you. 

 > You say "Wizard, cast firespell"The wizard nods, and begins casting a large fire spell, which lights up the valley.The elves are quick to act, and begin firing arrows and shooting crossbows at your army.

 > You say "Shield up"You raise your shield, as the fire spell engulfs you.Your army is hit by the fire, but the shield protecting you from the flames protects you from injury. 

 > You say "Archers shoot arrows"The archers begin releasing their arrows at the elves.Some of the arrows hit their targets, killing or burning the elves. Other arrows miss their mark, and land in your army.

 > You say "Charge!"You raise your blade, roaring as you charge the enemy.You rush forward, killing a few elves before reaching the camp. There, you swing your sword, cutting down all those in front of you. 

 > You say "Kill them all!"You roar, and your troops follow, swinging their blades and roaring.The elves are no match for you, as you slaughter them like lambs.

 > You kill them all.You continue to roar, as the elves lie dead in front of you."Time for the loot." You laugh.You quickly begin searching the bodies, collecting gold coins and other valuables.

 > You go see the elves king.You grab the King of the elves, shaking him slightly."Answer me, can you talk?"The elf opens his eyes, and begins struggling."Let... Let me go!" 

 > You say "My army defeat you give me your kingdom""No! By the blood of my fathers, I will die before I surrender to a fur-covered animal!"You shake the elf harder, as he begins to scream. You throw him to the floor. 

 > You say "Even if you die i will take your kingdom"You shake him once more, then stop."Alright, alright, you win. Don't kill me."You nod your head."But let me just say, I am not scared of dying."You shake your head as the king begins coughing blood."Goodbye... I... think."With those last words, the King dies. 

 > You say "We won!"You laugh heartily for a few minutes, before taking a breather."Alright, we need to decide where to go next."

 > You say "Go to elves capital and declare you are the new king""Good idea. I assume you already spoke to them?""Yeah, they seem more than willing to accept me as their new ruler.""Good, that's good."You nod your head."Alright then, we'll head to their capital tomorrow."

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