A fast romance(8/10)

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> You go to the elves capitale.You go to the elves capitale, which is much bigger than you thought it would be. You reach the door of the palace, and begin knocking.

Within a few minutes, the entire palace appears before you. You step back, and watch as many elves appear, staring at you."Who are you? 

 > You say "Your new king"You watch as the elves seem shocked, and begin whispering amongst themselves."Your new king...?"One of the elves steps forward, staring at you.

 > You say "What do you want?""I want to know who you are.""I'm your king."The elf seems shocked."But...""No buts, I'm your king."The elf stares at you, and appears to be thinking. Finally, he nods his head."Yes, you're our king. Thank you for accepting the role."You nod your head."Alright then, let's go to the throne room."You begin walking to the throne room, as the elves follow. Eventually, you reach the throne room. You watch as the elves begin make a few comments."Why is the throne empty?""The king hasn't been seen in years. Some say he's dead.""No, the king is still alive. He just hasn't been seen since he accepted this role. 

 > You say "I'm the new king"The elves seem shocked by your remark. They stare at you, and whisper amongst themselves. Finally, one comes up to you."Ah... You're the king.""Yes." You reply.You wait some day in the elves kingdom as their ruler. You even make a few changes, like letting elves to sky islands, making elves equal to humans, the slavery system to be ended, and giving elves a few more rights.

 > You make sure the elves are equal to human.You spend some time with the elves, ensuring they're equal to human. You work hard in this new position, and hope it pays off.One day a new elf maid come to see you."Ah, there you are. I've been looking for you." She says."And who is it that seeks me?" You ask."It's me, Zalmora.

 > You say "You are the new maid?""Uh huh. Eliza said you needed one, so I volunteered myself.""Hmm, well you'll have to do."You tell Zalmora what to do, and she leaves. 

 > You say "Zalmora!"Zalmora turns to face you."Yes?"

 > You say "Could you make me some tea?""Sure."You watch as Zalmora begins to make the tea.> You say "So how old are you""Twenty.""Oh, I see."Zalmora looks at you, waiting for you to say something. 

 > You say "Are you okay to be my maid?"Zalmora laughs."What? Why do you ask such questions?""Just wondering."Zalmora shrugs her shoulders."I don't know, why not?

 > You say "I want to be sure all my subject are happy""Hmm, that's a good goal."Zalmora smiles at you."Thank you, sir."You nod your head in response. 

 > You say "you can call me pascal""As you wish, sir."Zalmora smiles at you once again, before leaving the room.It's a simple life being the king of the elves.

 > You go to the throne room.You walk along the corridors of your palace, as you head to the throne room. You think back to how you got this palace. 

 > You sit on your throne.You sit on your throne, and wait for the elves to begin arriving.Soon, all the elves have gathered in the throne room, as you stand up. 

 > You say "If you have a problem feel free to talk to me"Some of the elves talk, but as soon as they see you're not mad, they go quiet. 

 > You say "I'm happy to be your king and i hope we will restore the elves power"Some of the elves cheer, and one elf steps forward."I'm glad to see you're doing well in your new position.""Thank you, I'm trying my best."I'm sure you are."The elf looks at you, before speaking again."We have noticed one thing; you haven't married yet."At this point you're confused."What?"

 > You say "i know i'm not married""Yes, but most kings get married.""I'm not most kings.""No, you're not."The elf giggles.

 > You wait until the night.During the night, you wait for the night to fall. As the sky turns from green to the color of the sun as it falls, you wait in your room for Zalmora. 

 > You say "Zalmora could you please hand me the paperwork"After a few minutes, Zalmora enters your room. She hands you the paperwork."Sorry about the wait, I had to get some stuff from my office, ugh... what time is it?" 

 > You say "It's okay""I think i like it here, and the elves are nice and the food taste great!"You smile as you turn the paper to see if there is a signature page.

> You say "Zalmora would you like to go walk with me""Uh, yeah sure"You lead Zal outside of the castle, as she asks you question after question."So what is it that you want to ask me?""What? You don't have to say it in riddles."Zalmora laughs at your comment, before continuing."So, um... Do you have... a girlfriend?""No.""Oh... 

 > You say "And do you have a boyfriend?""No""Ah, well that's good... i guess."You continue to walk through the garden, before Zal stops you."Hey, uh can I ask you something?""Sure""This is probably weird but..."Zalmora stops, looking as if uncomfortable."Yes?""Well there's a rumor going around that you're...""What?"Zalmora doesn't finish her sentence, instead not looking directly at you."I'm what?"Now Zalmora is the one avoiding your eyes."There's a rumor going around that I'm..."You hear a sniffle, as Zal begins to cry."... Sorry.""Zal, just tell me.""I'm sorry!" Zalmora says, getting all the tears out of her eyes. "It's just that everyone is saying really nasty stuff about you! They're saying that you...""Just say it!""They're saying that you..." 

 > You hug her.You hug her as she cries into your chest."I'm saying no..."You take a deep breath, before letting her go."Okay, tell me.""They're saying that you...""Just say it!""They're saying that you...""I said NO!"You grab Zal by the wrists, and pull her into you. Your nose is just centimeter away from hers.

> You kiss her.You lean in, just centimeters away from Zal's lips. She looks shocked, before she closes her eyes and leans in as well.The two of you kiss for what seems like an eternity. 

 > You say "i love you"As you both pull away, panting, you realize what you've just done."I love you."Zalmora looks into your eyes for a second, before looking down to her feet."I love you too..." She whispers. 

 > You grab her in your arm.You wrap your arm around her shoulder, and take her with you as you head back to the castle.You walk slowly, not wanting to break the moment. 

 > You say "If you don't like something tell me""What do you mean?" Zal asks."I don't want to force you into doing anything you don't want to. 

 > You say "Good night zalmora""Good night..." Zal replies, looking at you as you walk into your bedroomYou put on some clothes before laying down in your bed. 

 > You sleep.

(Hope you liked this chapter, this is a little bit cliche but the AI pushed me in this direction lol)

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