A king business (2/10)

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> You say "Who are you?" "A friend" You open your eyes to see a girl with auburn hair and sky blue eyes. She quickly covers her mouth, realizing she said something she shouldn't have. 

 > You say "What is your name?" She stops, then begins to speak again. "My name is Eliza."   "That's a nice name." She smiles at your response. "Is there anything wrong with you?" She asks. 

 > You say "no " "Good."  "I'm glad. Now, are you okay?"  "I suppose." You sit up and get out of the bath, wrapping a large, white towel around yourself.

 > You say "Do you want to live here?" Eliza bites her lower lip nervously. "Umm... I don't have any money to rent a place." She says. > You say "You can live with me" She bites her lip again, before nodding slowly. "If you don't mind me living here, I would love to live here."   "Great." 

 > You say "Servant get me ignate please" A servant enters holding an ignate who groggily opens his eyes. "Mmm...?" He moans.

 > You say "Make all the servant come to the throne room in two hours" He looks up and quickly realizes what's going on. "Yes... yes my lord" He says before the servant runs off. "I have to go." You say. "Wait!" Eliza says. "What?" You ask rudely. "Can I see you again?" She asks. "I suppose." She hops off the wall and runs up to you. Eliza is waitting with you in the throne room for all the servants to arrive. A young man arrives with several servants carrying trays of food. "Here they are." He says nervously. You look at Ignate who stands up. 

 > You say "Do you know why i made all of you came here?" Ignates face shows both confusion and worry. "I'm sorry my lord, I don't." You take a deep breath and explain what's happening. 

 > You say "I officialy promoting ignate to be my personal butler" "You're what!" He says loudly, his face making both confusion and happiness. "Now you will all report to him, he will give you tasks such as cleaning my chambers, or serving me at events." The servants seem enthusiastic about this, and head off to do what they are told. "Now, you will report to him tomorrow." You say. "But my lord, you just promoted him!" The servant says

. > You say "i trust ignate" "Of course you do, you made him your butler." You say. "Thank you my lord, I never thought I would ever make it this far in life." 

 > You say "ignate could you make a bed for eliza in my bedroom" Ignates face drops as he realizes what you want. "A bed? But my lord..." He says. "Do it!" You say. He gulps as he goes to do your bidding, leaving you and Eliza alone with the trays of food. "Don't worry it's not poisoned." You say, smiling at her. "I'm not worried, I'm not worried." She says repeatedly. You both begin to eat as you watch the crowds enter the throne room. 

 > You say "eliza do you want to sleep?" "Yes please." She nods. "Come on then." You say, standing up. You walk into your bedroom with Eliza following you. 

 > You say "you can sleep in this bed" She hops onto the bed and buries her head into the pillows. "Good night, my lord." 

 > You say "If you need me i will be in the throne room" "I understand." You leave the bedroom and walk back to the throne room. You sit in your throne and wait for everyone to finish entering. Soon, you are left alone with just a single servant. 

 > You say "Could you bring ignate to me" "Yes my lord." He says nervously. In no time at all, Ignate appears in the room. "My lord, the other servants are in the game room." He Says.

 > You say "Ignate you can call me pascal when we're alone" "Of course my lord." "Now Ignate, I need to talk to you."   "Yes my lord?" He says, with a serious face.

(Hope you liked this chapter, I just finished this story on ai dungeon and I plan to post one chapter each 48 hours)

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