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"Nobody move!" You loudly whisper.You wait and listen, nothing happens after five minutes. 

 > You say "roland are you fine?""Yes, papa"You hear a small cough from the corner of your eye, you turn around and see Ignate."I couldn't sleep so I thought I would come and check on you" 

 > You say "So how was it with eliza?""It was good""Good, what did you do?""I held her, and she let me"You nod and think for a moment.

 > You say "Ignate make sure the servant clean the guess room"Ignate puts his index finger to his lips and looks around"The servant will do it"He smiles and nods as you notice the time. 

 > You say "Roland you can go play outside""Okay"Ignate and you both watch as your son runs out the door."So what did you think of him?"Ignate shrugs as he leans against a nearby desk.

> You say "you two have my benediction to marry" Ignates face becomes a deeper shade of red. > You say "You're so red right now!" Ignates face turns to a deep red as he begins to sweat profusely. "I... might be getting married" "Married? Who?" "Eliza!" 

 > You say "Go for it man!" "Thank you" You nod in approval.

 > You say "When will you ask her?" "I haven't, but im going to say soon" "Yeah, do it" "Okay" 

 > You say "You can have the party in the castle" "Thanks" You sigh in content as you wave Ignates thanks away.

 > You go to the throne room. You walk into the throne room, noticing that it is empty, or rather, not covered in dust as it usually is. You see a door to the right, you wonder if it leads to the garden...

 > You sit on the throne. You walk to the throne and sit on it. You feel mixed emotions... Excitement, anticipation, nervousness, trust... Surprisingly, a bit of happiness. ignate marry eliza! You sigh happily as you think about how happy ignate will be. You look at the crown on the pedestal. 

 > You say "Servant!" "Yes, my lord?" A young man appears. "When is the next ball?" "Soon, my lord. We're expecting a lot of people" You nod. Your servant continues. 

 > You say "Servant gather everyone here for ignate's wedding" "Of course, my lord" Your servant disappears, and you sigh. You think about what you want to ask ignate. 

 > You wait for everyone. A few hours later, everyone has gathered. Eliza is here with her parents, and they are both extremely pleased with the idea of her and ignate getting married. 

 > You say "Ignate do you want to take eliza as your wife?" "Yes" A small tear runs down her face as she nods. You think about how happy you would be if you and eliza were to get married. "You may kiss your bride" the priest says. ignate smiles as he leans in to kiss eliza. She hugs him tightly as they kiss, ignates hands wander all over her body. 

 > You say "I hope you two will be happy" ignate turns red as he realizes what he was doing. "I-I love her!" He says smiling. "I know" You reply smiling, reassuring him. You wander outside. You feel a bit strange now that the wedding is over with. Did you really just see ignate marry eliza? It almost seems unreal... Ignate come to talk to you. "How are you, my liege?" "I'm good, how are you?" "Well, the wedding was a success. Everyone had a good time. Did you enjoy it? 

 > You say "Yes my friend " "I'm glad to hear it" "You and eliza seemed pretty happy" You smile. "Yes, I'm happy. It's good to know you're enjoying your new wife" 

  > You say "You know sometime i'm jealous of you" Ignates face becomes serious. "Why?" "I'm jealous of how happy you are with eliza. I mean, I know you had a good time with her at the wedding and everything... 

 > You say "I know i have you as a friend but i want a wife" "Your wife?" Ignates face becomes confused. "Yes, my wife. I want to have someone by my side. To spend the rest of my life with" 

 > You say "I feel lonely ignate i'm a king but i'm lonely" "I'm sorry to hear that" "It's okay" You're about to turn away when you notice ignates eyes dart down to your ring finger. 

 > You say "I don't have a ring" "Oh... Right" Ignates face becomes sad. It seems he was hoping you had a wife. 

 > You say "Ignate promise me if something appen to me you will take care of roland" "I promise" "Ignate, you will always be number one in my life" "I know, my liege" You leave ignates study and skip down the hall, toward your room. 

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