October 2 2020

16 1 0

Melancholy music is highly suggested. These are the songs I listen to: I will go to you like the first snow - Ailee, Not Alone - NCT 127, lonely - Woosung, Insomnia - The Rose, forever rain - RM, 너라서 - ASTRO, Ending Scene - IU


20:09. I lay flat on my stomach will my elbows pressing into the mattress on my bed. My back arches slightly, my neck cranes up to see my phone, but most importantly the sky tonight. I'm half-covered in a soft blanket, half uncovered as I am wearing "sweats." My heated blanket is turned on, generating warmth that I am lacking at the moment. The house is quiet, other than my music playing through my Alexa. The room is dark from the standpoint that I have no lights on. The moon and streetlight, however, have taken it upon themselves to completely illuminate my room tonight.

I fold my arms together and turn my head to the side, staring at nothing in particular in my room, just feeling at peace. Breathing deeply, taking in the ambiance. I turn my head to arch up all the way to the sky seeing its glory. The moon is full, lighting up the entire sky. The passing clouds painted a dirty white, looking highlighted by the moon. The moon itself plays hide and seek with the people of the Earth, coming in and out of clouds as time passes. The sky is absolutely breathtaking tonight, yet no camera I own will do it the justice it deserves. Each time it comes out of hiding it blinds me in my peripheral vision once again. Oh, the beauty of the night.

22:22. I've read stories before where the characters in love, who must separate for some unfortunate circumstance, will promise each other to look at the moon at a certain time of night and think of each other. I find it a bit cheesy, but if it brings comfort to each of them, who am I to get in the way of that. However, this makes me wonder how many people would be looking at the moon right now? Does it really connect people? This makes me picture the moon as a vertex on a graph and two people being connected by an absolute value (y=|x|) function. Silly, as it seems, how many functions would be present in the sky if they were somehow visible to us.

Laying my head to the side on my arm, I bore of that subject. The moon is currently fully covered by thick clouds, making my bedroom a bit darker. The melodious songs still play in my room, probably echoing down the hallway for others to hear.

I close my eyes, letting all the stress of the week escape. What a perfect thing for a Friday night.

22:31. Feeling all the week's stress leave me, I turn my attention to the sky again. The moon is higher now and in a few hours, it will be out of the view from my window. I find myself searching for something to think about. Do you ever have it where you just want to think about a big idea (such at night, or at sleepovers) but you can't think of one... that's me right now. Smiling to myself as forever rain by rm comes on, I open my text messages and message one of my best friends: give me something to think about / I'm out of ideas.

In the meantime, while I wait for them to respond, I tune into the song still playing.

Forever rain, forever rain, forever rain

Forever rain, forever rain, forever rain

Forever rain (영원히 rain)

Forever rain (영원히 rain)

Forever rain (영원히 rain)

Forever rain (영원히 rain)

Forever rain

What is forever rain? I think at first I assume it to be a sad, depressing life. As in unfortunate things always happen to you at the worst of times, always trying to be happy but falling to- a kind of depression state in which one is in at all times. But would that be forever? You could eventually get yourself out of "the rain." However, in a previous Night Journey, we went into the topic of how rain is rejuvenating and cleansing. So, would forever rain be constant trials in which one is put through and if they mess up or fail they are cleansed as they move on and given another trial...? It's an interesting concept of different viewpoints to ponder about. What actually is forever rain? Do we perhaps.... experience it?

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