Chapter Eighteen 🍬 Fizzy Lifting Drinks

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A/N : Hiya so im gunna be editing this book a bit since I'm shit at writing, so be prepared for that I guess. Also no, Charlie isn't dead 💅✨


"What an exciting adventure!"

Charlie gaped at the prancing middle aged man, laughing and clapping. Charlie really didn't know what was so funny about it. This wasn't right. A child probably just got his organs muddled up and currently the man who caused it wanted a pronto. Joe seemed even more frightened, shaking and on the verge of sweating. If that was how Grandpa Joe felt, Charlie couldn't imagine how Mrs Teavee felt. And what about mini Mike? What kind of man would let some child go through torture like that? Charlie wished he didn't feel that bad, but he really couldn't help it.

"Mr Wonka?" Joe started. "What happened?"

Wonka turned slowly, grabbing the man by his shoulders. "Why? Didn't you see? Perhaps you need some glasses? Old age does get to the eyes..."

The room was silent, and before Joe could say anything, Wonka guided them to the next room. Honestly, Charlie didn't want to. But he couldn't help but feel curious about it. No, no. No need to be frightened, he told himself. It was Mike's fault! Plus he was probably fine. He took a few steps at a time and Joe followed him quietly through it.

They found themselves in a pitch black room, and Charlie couldn't tell if it was because the lack of light or the fact that the walls were painted black, a completely new atmosphere from the bright magical factory. In the center of the room was a silver circular machine, spikes pointing out at the top. It looked like it came from a science fiction movie. Like some sort of alien creature. The three walked in, and Charlie hadn't noticed this before, but the room was full of bubbles. Left, right, and center were colourful glistening glittery bubbles floating in the air in every direction. They spun around the room and went upwards to the ceiling elegantly, which was higher than the width of the room. Charlie supposed this was where the towers were. On top of the roof was a large spinning fan hastily turning and popping bubbles and scattering them around the room. Quite large, actually. But Charlie didn't know it's exact width due to how high up it was.

"Something very unusual in here. Bubbles, bubbles everywhere, but not a drop to drink. Yet."

"What's it making?" Joe asked Wonka. Apparently he was no longer afraid and more interested and fascinated in the bubble room.

"Fizzy Lifting Drinks. They fill you with gas, and the gas is so terrifically lifting that it lifts you right off the ground like a balloon!' Wonka pointed to tables set around the circular room, and on top were a few bottled drinks. Bubbles within the drink rose and some even fell. Foam rose within the bottles, almost threatening to spill out if the lids weren't securely shut tight. Some of the drinks were coloured brightly, some others being completely clear. If Charlie hadn't known this was Wonka's factory, he would've thought it was sparkling water or pop.

Charlie focused his attention on the more beautiful bubbles floating around the room. "What's the bubbles for?"


The room filled with an awkward silence. The only noise was the sound of bubbles bursting and the fan above them whirring. A small sound was emitting from the spikey machine as well, and the only way Charlie could describe it was like clicking. Like a fire or something like that.

"Would you like to try some?" Wonka finally said after a few quiet moments, picking up a clear bottle at the side. He shoved it in Charlie's hand rather forcefully. Charlie took it gladly as he was absolutely starving, although he felt rather anxious about taking it. He had seen what happened to the other kids. He didn't want to suffer the same fate. Well, not fate. He was sure they were fine, just a little hurt. Probably just a hiccup in Wonka's factory. Plus, it wasn't even the chocolatiers fault, right?

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