Chapter Nineteen 🍭 Augustus Gloop

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Charlie screamed out as his back hit the ground below. His eyes shot open instinctively, and he thrashed about as a sort of reflex. He grabbed at a wall and tried to get himself up, only succeeding in slipping and hitting his back again. He sat there, tears falling to the ground. Tears mixed with his grandfather's blood and guts, of course. Charlie supposed he looked something like Carrie, the girl who got blood poured all over her head in that horror movie. Except this was real. This wasn't some horror movie. The boy lifted himself carefully off the floor. He was careful not to break anything. Especially his bones. He wouldn't want to break those. He had to get out. Charlie got up on his hands, pushing up his body until he was on his knees. He groaned and pushed himself once more. Like that he was on his feet. honestly, he expected it to take longer to get up. He also thought he was dead. Surprisingly he wasn't.

He stumbled over. He found himself in a dark hallway. He would've thought the walls were painted orange if it weren't for the small silver parts peekig out of the curtains of rust. Between the roof and the wall was a slither of a yellow light, the only thing that kept the place lit, yet barely anything seemed bright. Perhaps Charlie's vision was just dark around the edges. He had hit the floor hard after all.

"Mr Wonka..?" He called out, although he didn't know if he really said it properly since his hearing had gone completely silent, the only noise a loud shrieking ringing. Charlie grabbed the walls in an attempt to support himself. His legs still shook and his weight felt heavy though, no matter how hard he tried. He tumbled over and pushed his body onto the side of the left wall as if that would support him. It really didn't but it helped with balancing. He skipped past metal floors and each time his feet stomped on them, they made a loud echoing banging noise. It was almost like beneath it was an empty space.

"M... Mr Wonka...?" At the end of the room was a door, just like the others he had seen. However, this time, instead of the rooms name, it just said 'WORKERS ONLY'. Ignoring it's warnings, Charlie skipped to it and began to heave it open. This time it didn't open. Maybe it was locked. Charlie looked down through his clouded vision, before noticing a handle right in the middle. He pulled on it, thinking it would open the door. He thought wrong. The handle slid down at the force of his pull and revealed that it was actually a slide. Within it was a miniscule piano like instrument.

His memory had gone slightly wonky, so it took him a few moments to understand what it was. It was the piano lock Wonka used when they entered the factory. The first room, where the Augustus kid exploded. No. He didn't explode. It was an illusion. Wonka wouldn't lie about that. Although now he didn't know who to trust.

Charlie attempted to play the tune from memory. Emphasis on attempted. He tried again, running his fingers along the piano. Third time, he really put his mind to it, trying to get his mind off the fact he had just witnessed a part of his family being gruesomely torn apart, and that their guts were currently drenching his clothes. He remembered it being a fast and jolly tune, and first it went high, then lower. He also remembered Mrs Teavee incorrectly saying it was Rachmaninoff, when it was really something from Mozart. Charlie wasn't sure what though. He placed his fingers on it once more, his heart pounding against his rib cage. He shouldn't be afraid. It was just a small melody. He played fast and furiously. It still didn't open.

He banged on the door in a sudden fit of rage. Charlie kicked the piano, as some sort of way of saying 'fuck you you little piano'. The keys easily fell out onto the cold metal floors. Charlie was almost surprised how easily they fell out, but currently he was too afraid and confused to care about that. He punched the few little keys still left on the piano and the second his first collided with the instrument, a click was heard. Charlie jumped back, eyes wide and mouth agape. He couldn't explain the fear he felt for such a stupid thing like a door unlocking. It was stupid, he told himself, it's just a door. Charlie slowly rested his hand on the metal and pushed. The door slowly opened with a screech, revealing what was behind.

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