blue skies

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6 years have gone by Yume was Queen of her house, but she wasn't there most of the time she was usually with Umiko helping her out. Every year around the time the boys disappeared the girls go to the big blossom tree in the middle of Umiko's kingdom always hoping for the same thing over and over again, that day was coming up again Yume was on her way to see Umiko to see what she was up to.

Yume knocks on the door worried has she heard a come in form one of Umiko's maids "hey Yume... sorry I can't come up and hug you... but OWW hey!!" Yume stood there laughing "hahaha Umiko stay still they need to know your size" Yume walked closer to Umiko standing in front of her "Yeah but! It's so annoying literally wish they didn't use needles" Yume smiled and watched Umiko, Umiko looked at Yume "what? Have I got something on my face?".

"Umiko clam down It's only today and tonight then tomorrow we get to talk to them" Yume smiled while holding her friends hand, Umiko smiled and looked up "Yume you're gonna wreck my make-up" Yume laughed "ooh hush your makeup is fine".

Everything was done the dresses the palace was ready Yume stood ready to see Umiko take her crown, Umiko stood in front of everyone with a white but blue ombré dress with two slits going up to her thigh, her legs with sliver braced detailed blossoms on it as well has the ones around her arms.

"Umiko Light, Daughter of Kai Light and Umi Light... she is the foretold future... she is the one who will bring peace along with the one with red wings... with her the house of Stars and House of fire... She willl be your queen from today onwards... she is your peace!".

Umiko standing on the stairs blow facing everyone the crown the detailed beautiful blossom tree, with detailed slivered water wrapped around it the people screamed and shouted some even crying "QUEEN UMIKO!!" Yume smiled but tears still coming down her face, Umiko smiled 'this time I show my family proud and bring peace... please Hawks and Dabi be alive... for both Yume and I be alive' but Umiko didn't know... two hooded men where among the millions of people both smiling but walked away into the forest "damn man they grow up!".

"Ooh shut up birdbrain your wings would have been noticeable if we ran off!"

"SHUT UP EMO BOY! But for real Umiko looked gorgeous..." Hawks smiled looking at the river near them, "oooh you're reliving your 16 year old crush?".

"DABI!!" The black headed boy now known as Dabi smiled he looked to the sky his mind flashes back to seeing Yume smiling, "Yume looked stronger so did Umiko" Dabi thought Umiko like a younger sister, "oooh look here 16 year old Dabi again?" Fire shot at Hawks but he dodged it "well... we better carry out the plan..." Dabi got up and walked so did Hawks "you know we have to reveal ourself soon" Hawks brought it up Dabi sighed and nodded "I know but not yet not till we make sure every last one of them is eliminated".

2 months has past since that day, news broke out that Queen Umiko and Queen Yume went missing Hawks and Dabi hidden in the shadows growing concerned, "I thought we had them protected!" Hawks whispered loudly to Dabi. Dabi covered his mouth with his hand "shut it birdbrain! They were I don't know what happened" the continued to walk in the little towns market "then what the hell happened" Dabi looked around "I have no clue red wings now shut up before people hear you or notice you." Hawks bumped into some a women who had her hood on he apologised kneeled down getting her bracelet the women kneels down too.

Hawks looks up seeing her bright blue eyes he couldn't see anything else "no sorry to you sir, I bummed into you" he smiled "no no it's okay I must be going now though" he bowed and left walking to Dabi "what was that about?" He asked.

"I don't know but the women seemed familiar"

"Oooh not again! You're not flirting with anyone this time!!"


"Well well Blue Flames and Red WIngs is here"

Dabi and Hawks looked around "shit they found us" Dabi looked at him "what you do this time!" Hawks looked at him shocked "ME?! WHAT ABOUT YOU!?" Dabi groaned getting ready to fight Hawks stood in front of him ready. Two hooded cloaks hit both Dabi and Hawk's face "HEY!" Both men yelled only to see two beautiful women in front of them in their warrior outfit "shit" Hawks and Dabi said under their breathe.

The men around them were about to attack but not before the two women did first, "Aqua now!" The curly haired women said purple sparkly dust coming out of her hands "on it!" Water surround the girl with wavy hair girl her blue eye glowed.

Both the Dabi, Hawks and the women ran into the forest out of breathe they stop near a river the wavy haired women collapsed on her back breathing heavily "stupid *breathe* birdbrain and *breathe* Flame Brain" Dabi raised an eyebrow "how we stupid... Umiko and Yume how did you find us?" Umiko and Yume smiled "idiots!" Umiko got up quickly and karate chopped their heads "YOU REALLY THINK WE BELIEVED YOU DIED THAT NIGHT" Hawks and Dabi held on to each other sacred seeing Umiko like that it was rare for her to get angry Yume laughed "you really believed we thought you were dead?" Yume smiled shaking her head standing next to a now calmed down Umiko "not a chance, we knew we had to find you or you wouldn't never comeback".

Hawks and Dabi let go of each other sighing at the same time "look we knew at the start Umiko's uncle was looking to kill the first born or only born of each house so we faked our death but Umiko's uncle got to you guys first before we could leave a note" Dabi explain Hawks jumped in "thats why I left that feather has a necklace behind for you Umiko so I could know you're save..." Umiko looked at Hawks surprised but smiled blushing Hawks was a little blushing too...

Now walking all four of them Dabi leading the way with Yume and Umiko at the back "do these boys realise we could literally get lost" Umiko whispered to Yume, Dabi obviously heard "we aren't lost... and if bird brain over here was leading then we would be lost" Hawks face spelt shock "NO I WOULD NOT!"

Yume and Umiko laughed "now be careful here princesses" Yume looked at Dabi unamused "it's Queen now" Dabi shocked but sighed smirking "I'm sorry your highness please be careful of this slippery fallen tree has the entrance is on the other side of those leaves Yume blushed started to walk already almost tripping Dabi caught her by the Waist looking into her eyes "I said be careful Your Highness" Yume stared at him 'crap' Yume thought "uhhh can I go now or are we having to watch a romance happen here?" Umiko smirked Yume looked at her as if to shut the fuck up.

Yume walked ahead Opening it with Dabi behind her "Your highness" Hawks bowed for Umiko, she smiled and placed her finger under his chin lifting his head up "go first bird boy" she smirked and pushed him first "smart move Queen Umiko" he walked in front while still looking behind "look straight Baka!" Hawks smirked now in the air flying next to her "ooh right forgot I could fly" Umiko looked at him "you-?!? Ughhhh I hate you" scared Umiko looked down making sure she doesn't fall.

One foot slipped she almost fell but Hawk's caught her "well lucky you miss water queen" blushing Umiko held on to him tight "hey it's okay Umiko" his hand on her face her looking up at him he landed inside the bases "come on lets go" Dabi shouted Umiko stopped staring at Hawks and looked down noticing something but didn't mention it she started to walk off from Hawks. Hawks knew she was upset about him leaving even though she tried to hid it well, "welcome to our home" Dabi lit up all the candles in the cave revealing a whole house practically the doors to the rooms facing a massive beautiful blossom tree in the centre of the cave.

Next Chapter: old Enemy, New fight

Blue eyes, Red wings, blue fire and purple dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now