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It was told for years that a girl from the great water house with eyes as blue as a clear ocean, skin pale as the snow, lips pink as the blossom flower, her hair brown but it was not told who would give birth to one the royal family had only two sons, on named Kai and other Haruto, Kai fell in love with a women who was not royalty but just a normal citizen who fought bravely in the war before... they married and with joy had a beautiful baby girl the one that was told to be born.

Kai's brother Haruto was not happy he married a women who only wanted him for his riches, he had many children before his brother but none was who was told to be born, so when Kai's wife gave birth to her daughter he knew he would either convince them to give it to him or kill them.

It was also told that a boy with bright red wings would be born too, with hair blonde and eyes golden... the great house of the wings had a royalty family but it didn't on it people going much they let the people live happily and free from slavery, when the royal princess gave birth to the boy she took him a ran hiding him from the world to protect him she named him Keigo Takami, Takami was not her family name no it was her lovers name who was no where to be found.

The great house of fire, all the people who lived there would produce fire the royal family where the only ones to make their own fire from there hands but they also had people who could create ice, one son named Shoto had both of the powers ice and fire, his sister had ice, his brother ice and his eldest brother also could but his fire was blue meaning it was hot and cold.

The great house of dreams, Yume the daughter the great warrior her mother was one of the great warriors who fought along side with Kai's wife... yume had her powers just like her mother she can make anyone have good dreams she can see him, Yume's powers have purple and star like dust on to anyone she puts it on.

... "Kai Light, my brother how have you been" Haruto smirk, Kai looked at him concerning "I'm doing fine brother, how is your family?".

"Oooh they are doing just fine, how is your for told daughter doing living well I hope?" His hand on his brother's shoulder, Kai was confused but concerned then it all click. He knew he had to play it off but also try and figure a plan to get his family out of there, "she's alive and well brother, but I must be going she needs my attention a lot that little girl has a lot of spunk in her. "Oooh yes yes, please do send my regards to your wife it's a terrible thing for her family to die like that" Kai nodded and walked off he knew Haruto was smirking with his evil plan of his as always, Kai knew his wife's family didn't die in a natural way and deep down he wish he didn't know who it was who killed them.

"My son come here" a young but weak women asked her boy to come to her hold a bag in her hand, "mother you should be in bed" the young boy looking after his mother come back from his trip to the market, "you must go home my son, aww my poor Keigo..." his mother creased his face kissing his forehead then going to his ears "take this bag show them the grown... your name will be Hawks from now on till the day you find the girl with water and blue eyes" she looked at her son in his eyes "you must only tell her your name, and only those who you trust... I will go first to see the royals... but son you must pretend not to know me you understand?" small little Keigo nodded and cried "do not cry my son as I will always be your mother no matter what" she kissed his forehead one last time handing the bag to him... walking to her room she dressed had the medicine she was wish she didn't have, straight away she was well again. She saw Keigo asleep "I love you my son, never forget what you have seen all your life" walking away putting her royal mask on everyone knew who she was straight away...

"Touya! Come here!" A boy with red hair come to his father who called for him "yes father?", he looked at his father in his eyes those bright turquoise eyes the same ones he had. "Come meet your new brother" the boy looked at his baby brother, he saw his hair Half white and half red "father his hair", Enji looked at the boy "yes I know... now Touya..." he kneeled down to his son his hand on his small son's shoulder "you must understand your baby brother will be needing protection later on in the years..." Touya looked at his father "you want me to protect him?" His father nodded and smiled at him "yes my dear boy can you do that?" Touya nodded and smiled "I'll protect him just like I do with Natsuo and Fuyumi" Enji ruffled his hair and smiled "that's my boy now ran along"...

"Yume Dear come here" a small girl ran to her mother "yes mum?" She smiled at her mother "how is your power getting stronger" Small Yume nodded "yes mamma! Look it shows on my hands before it goes anywhere now!" yumes mother smiled, and swished her daughters cheeks "that's my girl, my little star dust!"

Blue eyes, Red wings, blue fire and purple dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now