im not strong

25 4 5

Trigger warning- self harm, suicide attempt, talk of miscarriage.

Brianna pov

I wake up and my first thought is "why the fuck am I still alive?!" I hate life. I was finally starting to like life when I was pregnant. I finally had a major reason to stay alive. I cant believe I lost my baby
Ashton and I talked about it a few times. He was really upset about it. I feel like I could have done something to prevent this miscarriage.

I get out of bed and walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth. I got down to the kitchen and luke was sitting at the table. He looks up at me

Hey how are you today. He asks

I'm fine. I reply

Are you sure? He asks

Yup. I say.

I cant let him know I'm still upset. I also cant let him know what I have planned for today. Today is the day where I'm gonna end it once and for all.

I love you little sis. He gives me a  hug. I hug him back.

I'm going to hang with the boys today. We have to do some songwriting. Idk if fayth is busy. You can probably see if she wants to hang.

I shake my head.

Okay. He says.

I run back up to my room and lock the door and wait for him to leave.

Once I hear the front door close and see his car pull put of the drive way I get up.

I run into my bathroom which is connected to my room and grab a new razor. I break it open. I go back into my bedroom. I strip to my bra and underwear.

Trigger warning
Trigger warning
Trigger warning

I sit down and start to cut my thighs. I feel the burning and I immediately feel better. I watch the blood pour out. I then go to my hips and stomach area. I start to cut my hips and stomach. Then I do the same to my chest. I get to my wrists. I decided to start not so deep then get deeper as I go. I re open old scars. I feel myself get deeper and deeper. The room starts to spin. But I dont stop. I keep going. I go back down to my legs and cut them more. I do this all over my body. Eventually I start to see darkness. I pass out

2 hours later

Luke's pov

I'm starting to get really worried. I've texted brianna about 12 times and she hasn't opened any of my messages. What if something bad happened to her. I'm terrified.
I look over at the boys and start talking to him.

Has brianna texted any of you? I ask

They all shake their heads and say "no".

I ask Michael If he can call her while I call fayth.

My phone rings 3 times and fayth answers

Fayth- Hey baby. What's up

Me- have you talked to bri at all?

Fayth- no she hasn't answered my texts. I was gonna ask if she has talked to you recently.

Me- Can you do me a favor?

Fayth- of course

Me- can you please go to my house and check on her?! I will be there as soon as possible.

Fayth- totally. I'm leaving right now.

Me- Thank you. I love you

Fayth- I love you too.

I turn to Michael.

I got no answer. I called 2 times. He says

I sigh

I gotta go check on her. I say

Let's all go. Michael suggested

Okay. I say


Fayth's pov

I walk into brianna and Luke's house. I slam the door shut and run up the stairs

Brianna?! I shout

I start looking in every room

Brianna are you okay?! I scream

I go to her room. I start banging on the door.

No answer

I break the door open.

And there she is. She is laying on the floor passed out. She has blood all over her and the floor.

Right as I see this the front door opens and the boys run up to Brianna's room.

I sit there sobbing, holding onto brianna.

Please brianna dont leave me. Please I cant lose you!! I scream

Michael pov

As we run up the stairs I hear screaming. That made me realize something horrible happened. As we walk up to brianna's room i get more and more anxiety. Then when we get there. I see her. She is laying there covered in blood.

My baby. My precious angel is laying there unconscious. I break down. I fall to the ground and start hyperventilating. I never wanted to see my baby like this. I was terrified. I cant lose her. She is my world. I love her with all of my heart. I dont want her to be gone.

I look up and see calum on the phone talking to 911. And luke was on the phone crying to his mom. Ashton was standing there he had a horrified look on his face. He looked at me. And he starts crying as well.

I walk over to fayth and pull her into my chest.

Shhh. It's okay fayth. Take deep breaths. I say to her.

The ambulance shows up and gets brianna. We follow them to the hospital.

We were all a mess. We were all terrified. We just needed her to hold on and ve okay. But the doctors told luke and his mom she is in such bad condition they dont think she will make it.

I'm leaving yall on a big cliffhanger!! Ik this chapter was sad. But u gotta keep reading to find out what happens. Love you all💜💜

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