actions have consequences

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Brianna's pov

I open my eyes and see a tall boy standing over me. I rub my eyes.

Luke? I ask

Brianna?! Holy shit! Let me go get a doctor.

He runs out of the room and comes back with a doctor.

Wow. You're awake. The doctor smiles.

Where am I? I ask.

You're at the hospital Brianna. Luke says

I instantly remember what happend yesterday. I look at my arms and see bandages on them.

Fuck. I whisper.

Where is mom? I ask

Shes getting lunch for me and her. Luke says

Can I go home? I ask the doctor

Luke puts his hear in his hands.

No. you won't be home for a little while. Luke says.

What?! I'm fine. I say

Then my mom walks in.

Holy crap! Brianna?! You're awake!! She says

Hi mom. I say.

I'll leave you 3 to talk for a little while. Says the doctor

He leaves the room

What do you mean I wont be going home for a little while? I ask

Brianna. Honey. You have to realize that your actions have consequences. You will be getting admitted to a psychiatric hospital.
Mom says.


Calm down. Luke says

No! I'm not gonna calm down. I say

I start to cry.

This isnt fucking fair! I shout and roll my eyes

Brianna, you need help. And we are going to get you all the help you need. My mom says

No. I'm fine. I say

Brianna. No y ou re not. Luke says.

We will be there to visit every day.  Mom says

Dont bother. I say and cross my arms

Brianna, dont be that way. Luke says

I dont wanna go. I say and wipe my tears away.

Luke hugs me.

Honey all your stuff is packed and you will be going there tonight. My mom says.

Whatever. I say

You dont understand what it was like to find your sibling like that. You scared the shit out of fayth. She found you. Michael thought you were dead! I thought I was gonna lose my baby sister. Ashton and calum were fucking terrified!! And all you care about is not going to a hospital to get help.
Luke burst into tears

I'm sorry luke. I sit up.

Luke hugs me.

I'll go and get all the help I need. I say.

Really?! Luke says

Yes. I promise I'll try to get better.

My mom, luke and I hug.

A few hours later I was sent to the psychiatric hospital.
A few hours later

After my admission I say my goodbyes to my mom and luke. And I go to my room and put my clothes away.

Hi. A blonde girl says

Hello. I say

I'm lavender. You're my new roommate.

Hi lavender. I'm brianna. You can call me bri.

It's great to meet you do you want help putting your clothes away? Lavender says.

Sure. I smile

After lavender helps she shows me around and I meet some of her friends.

They are all so sweet. Its 9pm and its time to go to bed. I lay down and me and lavender talk a little about why we are here.

I finally fall asleep.

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