A # 21: You, again

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For you, I would break my heart in two
For you, I can risk everything
Even if I hate to lose
For you, the hardest things will be possible to do

If for you, your happiness means her
And you'll really feel better
And your life will be greater
Then I guess you really need to pick another shade of gold, she's now your amber

If for you, it's a long time ago
For me, it's too painful to realize it's been 2 years before I let go
If for you, it's in the past
For me, it's just yesterday not in between slow and fast

I know nothing is easy
It just hurts to distract yourself from feeling the pain
To just let yourself be busy
It's as hard as avoiding every drop of rain in a cold stormy day

I want to say something
I want you to know it would get better
I want you to read my letter
But I can't let you know anythin

I'm not the one you want
But I'm asking for another chance
I didn't had you
But I'm asking for another day with you

It's always like that
Wanting something you can't have
Ending loving the person more you want to forget about
I'd end up hurting myself with something that's already done



ANTHOLOGYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon