A # 23: The Good and The Bad

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I didn't deserve the support
You didn't the deserve the insult I retort
And you didn't deserve the hurt
Yet I didn't show remorse

I didn't deserve all the good
And you didn't deserve the bad
I just did what I think I should
Even though it made you sad

You deserve all the compliments
And you deserve the good relationship
That good thing that I wrecked
Turned your heart to pieces and shreds

I deserve all the pain
I deserve all the insults
I deserve what's happening to me
Now Im paying all the fees

I deserve all the crying in tissues
I deserve all the bad and trust issues
I don't deserve any I love you's
Or even I miss you's

You deserve all the blessings
Cause you've sacrficed enough
You deserve all the improvements in life
Cause you did everything right

I wish I know what I deserve
Not just the bitter old second option
Not just one for reserves
If something happened with caution

I wish I know the good things I deserve
Where you'll be ecstatic because I'll be the prize in the wheel of fortune
Where there will be tears of joy when you finally have me
Like you won me in an auction

Maybe I'm just a little insecure
Maybe I wanted to be a little bit like her
Maybe I need to be a little tougher
Because I gotta make through the this disaster

I just wanna be loved
I just want to be something I'm not
I just want to be happier
Instead of building more barriers

I just wanna be accepted like you are
Even just once, be a shining star
Even just for a little time
Until I can carry on with life



ANTHOLOGYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon