Chapter 1 | Death's Friend

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Chapter 1 | Death's Friend

A wandering soul drifted inbetween borders of the numerous dimensions.

It is not lost nor does It have a destination. It merely follows a being of shadow - a being that It had grown accustomed to during all of Its travels.

Death, however ominous the name may be, is the only being that stayed by Its side over the hundreds of years It had existed. Not Fate, not Love, not Life, not Destiny nor Time. Just Death. The others have their own souls to accompany, though the soul still doesn't know what its purpose is for. No matter how much It pestered, Death just wouldn't open up.

The soul gazed up to the shadow being and found that they had stopped upon one familiar dimension. One that It definitely has gone through for four lifetimes and now, probably Its fifth.

Oh, back again, are we?

It watched Death as he nodded - or as much as a nonexistent being equivalent to it - before a flash of light surrounded the soul. A sight that It had grown accustomed to as a sign that It is being transported into the dimension.



The screech rang in the child's ears as she was jolted awake from the sudden volume, followed by the sounds of locks rattling from the other side of the door.

Opening her eyes, she was met with endless darkness. Emerald-green eyes flashed through the darkness as they tried to take in the cupboard the girl was in. Memories started to flow in and the seven-year-old opened her eyes again, unaware that she had closed it once more. She suppressed a groan of discomfort as she shifted in place, knocking off the ratty, old poor-excuse of a blanket in the process.

"Bloody hell, am I-?" Chinese words slipped fluently out her mouth in astonishment - the only evidence that she had indeed lived through sixty years of the Zhou Dynasty.

Taking in the shadows and lights in her sights, she was confused when none took shape. She brought her hands in front of her eyes, but to no avail, there were only two shadows in front of her, both didn't even form the shape of a normal hand. The green-eyed girl sat up on the makeshift bed and quickly fingered the lightning scar on her head. "I'm Harry Potter. This-" She caught herself and quickly switched her speech to English, "This is one hell a change." She muttered again in wonder, moving her hands back into where her line of sight supposed to be.

Though she wasn't able to at least assess the situation as someone pounded on the cupboard door.

"Either come out or get locked in for the day!!"

"Y-Yes, Aunt Petunia."

Quickly, she groped her way out, snatching the thick, round glasses she found in the process. Pushing through the door, she was only met with lights and shadows. Blindness. She mused to herself. With my luck and the infamous Potter luck, can't say I'm surprised.

Harry was about to walk out of the dusty cupboard - which she noted to be in desperate need of a cleaning spell - when suddenly shadow came up in the corner of her eyes, she felt her hand being engulfed by a larger, meaty hand. "Come on cousin, watch your step." A boyish voice said from her left while pulling her towards the direction of, what she remembered from 'original' Harry's memories, the dining room.

Must be Dudley. She thought as she 're-lived' the previous seven years of her life.

From it, she found out that throughout the time that she was not 'in' Harry's body, Dudley had somehow gotten his hands on some bleach powder and threw it to boy-Harry when he wasn't wearing his glasses. Thus the bleach found its way into his eyes, which explained the lack of eyesight. On the other hand, the event also had resulted in a certain guilty Dudley trying his best to atone for his action by being friendly to the blind kid, and unexpectedly became fond of the kid. It was a relief that Dudley got to turn a new leaf, the adults in the Dursleys though are probably both a lost cause.

Death's Friend (Female Harry Potter/Tom Riddle|Voldemort)Where stories live. Discover now