Chapter 14 | Wilde Life Interlude

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Chapter 14 | Wilde Life Interlude

Once the door was closed, Hedwig turned her neck around to see that everyone, aside from a couple of serpents that were hissing playfully at each other - she was pretty sure that the huge three-headed snake were teasing the smaller ones about the snake with the horn - was staring at her with intense curiosity.

"Hi there, Hedwig."

She turned to her right to see the Thunderbird peering down at her as he hopped a couple of times towards her. She tilted her head at the fellow bird and said, "Hello there."

"The Death Mistress named me Ouranos." Ouranos started and startled her by making a gesture that resembled a bow, "I hope we can get along. We, avians, have to stick with each other after all." He continued with a wink.

Slightly stunned, Hedwig could only blink in response before a hiss came from her right. "Avians this avians that, who cares if you're both birds! We met her first, so she should be hanging out with us." Neptune hissed indignantly.

The smaller three-headed snake nodded along and hissed threateningly at the golden bird.

Hedwig had had the pleasure to talk to them in the week that she arrived and she could admit that they were actually quite good company. They've thoroughly explained the 'Death' situation of their human. And even asked her to carry them as they were curious as to how it felt not being attached to the ground.

Well demanded actually, but it's the thought that they had trusted her to carry them that counts.

One of Ouranos' eyes twitched in annoyance. He turned to peer down at the smaller snakes, but unlike how he previously talked to her, his tone now held a more dangerous tone. "I didn't really ask any of you dirth-lovers' opinions, did I?" He huffed, earning him hisses of displeasure.

Neptune even started to ready himself as though to attack.

There was also a larger Runespoor near the scene. However the three heads only coiled around themselves, the middle one had his eyes closed while the other two just kept on watching the smaller creatures bicker impassively.

Hedwig turned her head back and forth between the three glaring creatures and carefully hopped backwards, in hopes to not be dragged into the fray, only to bump into a leg.

She turned around to see an exasperated Griffin. "Don't worry about them, this is a daily occurrence." He sighed resignedly as he turned to her. "But nevermind them! Welcome to The Hill, Hedwig! Morrs - or in this case, Harry - named me Achilles." He introduced himself, "I hope we can get along."

Hedwig bobbed her in acknowledgement to her half-eagle-half-lion, "Of course. It's nice to meet you, Achilles." She hooted politely.

The only indication that he was smiling was by how his eyes were crinkling since beaks were not designed to curve into a smile like how humans' lips would.

Her attention then shifted when she heard a splash coming from the lake. Hedwig rotated her neck all the way to the back to see- swimming horses? She blinked a few more times in the case that she was hallucinating but no, the horses were still in the lake. They've even started to 'gallop' across the surface.

Achilles saw the stunned look on her face and crowed out a laugh. "You're not all that informed of the magical creatures I see." He stated, amused.

His tone had Hedwig puff her feathers in defense. "Well, I apologize for being caged almost all my life." She said with obvious indignation. That seemed to gain a surprised caw from the Griffin.

"Oh-! No, no, I wasn't trying to insult you, little owl-"

"-Little?" Hedwig hooted threateningly. She had now turned her head to glare at the flustered Griffin.

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