Chapter 13 | Anticlimactic Rescue Missions

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Chapter 13 | Anticlimactic Rescue Missions

"W-What is you be doing here?"

She heard a high squeak ask shakily before the House-Elf spotted the body hovering behind her. "Did you be hurting Master?" This time her voice increased a tad bit at the thought that her master was hurt.

She quickly send the elf her one-thousand-galleon smile and shook her head. Fighting a House-Elf would be quite the challenge, and she was just not in the mood.

"Winky, right? No, I didn't hurt him. He just- suddenly slept on the way so I helped him come home, see?" She said calmly as to not alarm the House-Elf, before taking out her wand and made a show of levitating him onto a nearby chair.

Hedwig tilted her head at the sudden appearance of a wand but didn't make a sound.

"Could you help me tuck him in?"

The elf figure's head nodded eagerly, "Oh yes, oh yes! Winky can be doing that! Master Crouch is always be depending on Winky!" She exclaimed happily.

She watched - through her radar, of course - the man's body being levitated through the hallways. She followed them, purposely lagging behind, and spread her magic further to quickly pinpoint the brainwashed son and end the search. She doesn't know how sensitive House-Elves are to magic so the quicker she found him the bette- Oh.

There you are.

Bartemius Crouch Jr is currently occupying their basement, which stairs are incidentally right beside her. His magic is there, but it was quite hazy and too calm. Probably the effect of the imperius curse - or a long-term one. There was also a thin sheet of magic covering his own that she deduced to be coming from an Invisibility Cloak.

Casting a muffliato spell on her feet, Harry turned and walked down the wooden stairs. She opened the door leading to the basement and made a bee-line towards the unconscious body. The snowy owl lowly hooted in question, to which the child only winked in reply.

"Now, where to smuggle you." She pondered, running her birdcage-free hand through her hair out of habit.

Only when something made contact with her forehead did she remember that she literally had a whole travelling flat on her person. "Oh right, I forgot I had this." She snorted at her own stupidity before enlarging the luggage charm on her bracelet.

Levitating Bartemius Crouch Jr into her flat, she laid him into one of the bedrooms. She casted numerous healing spells onto his body and tucked him in a comfortable position as best as she could.

"That was easy enough." She sighed before waving her hand to let her magic do the rest of the work. The Invisibility Cloak folded on the nightstand, next to a stasis charmed water glass and a note - that she wrote with the help of voximito - that read;

'Please don't panic. Drink, sleep and try to organize your mind. A decade of being under the imperius curse doesn't really do good for the mind. There are books in my personal library to pass time - you were a Ravenclaw, weren't you? - it's just the black door across the living room.

I think I did buy some books on therapy. Perhaps, you should try it?
There's some food in the kitchen cupboard. I promise it's not poisoned or anything.

I have an internal alarm to alert me when you've awoken so hopefully, you won't have to wait for long.

P.s. Please don't try to escape. There are two ways to escape but one of them could get you killed by magical creatures. So please don't.
P.p.s. Please don't provoke my serpents. They're quite venomous.
P.p.p.s. Please don't make a mess.
P.p.p.p.s. My room is to your right. Please don't snoop around. It's locked and there are dangerous wards around it.'

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