Chapter 10 | The Letter

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Chapter 10 | The Letter

There it was.

After months of preparations, the day finally came. The twenty-fourth of July. A week before her eleventh birthday and also the day when she receives her Hogwarts Acceptance Letter.

She had forgotten to keep track of the date. That's why she was pleasantly surprised when Aunt Petunia suddenly said "You got a letter." before shoving one into her unexpecting hands.

Pleasant, as she didn't really expect their character development to have come so far. She was sure that they, or at least Aunt Petunia, would've immediately recognized the Hogwarts Seal on it. Yet, the pair didn't react as everything-freak-phobic as they were portrayed in the beginning of the book.

Perhaps it was her sudden change of gender, perhaps it was her major role in Dudley's much more pleasant behavior, or perhaps it was the long talk about her origins with the pair. She doesn't know, but she's not complaining.

Ignoring Dudley who snatched her letter out of curiosity, she sent a grateful smile at her aunt's direction. "Thank you, Aunt Petunia." She beamed happily.

"'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry'," Dudley read in a confused tone.

"'Dear Mister Potter, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed, a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1st September. We await your owl by no later than 31st July.' Is this a new kind of prank? Ry?" He finally asked.

She could feel his gaze upon her and she gasped in realization, "Oh, silly me! Did I actually forget to mention this to you?" She sent him an apologetic look before making a slight gesture with her hand, magically summoning the letter into her hand.

"I'm a witch, Dud."

"What?" Dudley breathed as Vernon let out a breath in disbelief. "You forgot to tell him that magic is real?" The older man asked, slightly furious that his son had been kept in the dark.

Shrugging, Harry tilted her head, "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I thought you two had told him." She admitted before pouting, "No wonder he wasn't getting any of my jokes." That got a silent snort from Petunia.

"Hell, I'm going to have to explain everything again, won't I?" Harry sighed.

"Bloody yeah you do, Ry!" Dudley exclaimed. Both of the parents didn't even bother to lecture him for cursing in such manner.

A few hours of explaining and re-explaining later, Dudley finally got the information crammed into that little head of his. Both adults had gone to do their activities for the day, leaving the children still sitting in the dining room.

"I have a famous magical cousin." He stated in wonderment.

The girl snorted in amusement. After all that talk about magic, magical creatures, her suitcase that she at some point had accio-ed, reincarnations, being a friend of Death and a change of gender, he was only focused on her title as the Boy-Who-Lived.

"Indeed you do." She rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"So, when are you going to buy some magic stuff?" She could just feel excitement rolling off of the boy as he asked the question, most likely looking forward to see all the cool stuff in Diagon Alley.

She shrugged. "I'm going to have to send them a letter for a guide as I am blind. And I don't think walking around the muggle street with Neptune would go well." She snorted before continuing, "And even though Aunt Petunia has warmed up to me, I don't think she would even be caught dead surrounded by wizards. Clay is currently taking a vacation so all the more to need one."

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