Chapter 6 | Making a Name in The Muggle World

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Chapter 6 | Making a Name in The Muggle World

Harry woke up early the next day, feeling much more energized than the day before.

She quickly took a shower in her luggage flat, greeted Neptune and ate a few things that she had bought in the luggage.

Using a wordless wingardium leviosa, she levitated a couple of fat mouses out of a box and let them free on the floor. "Happy eating, Neptune." She hissed quickly, getting a gratitude hiss back, before going up the stairs that she transfigured from the ladders. Ladders are exhausting.

Time seemed to pass quickly as she looked forward to the news that Clarice should then give her. And after a few hours, she got it. "Alright class, give yourselves a few minutes of free time. Miss Potter, please come with." She heard Clarice say.

Smiling happily, she stood up from her seat and, whilst holding Clarice's hand, made her way to the principal's office.

"Ah, Mister Potter I presume?" She heard a woman's voice say. She nodded in confirmation, "I am." She said before some sort of shadow went pass her eyes a couple of times.

She heard the woman hum. "And you're blind." She said. No, she didn't ask her, it was clear from her tone that she was stating it as a fact. It meant that the shadow that went pass her eyes was probably her checking it by waving her hand in front of her face.

Harry only smiled politely.

"What's 37+91?"

Harry's smile only widen. She's now trying to test me then.








"Square of 79."


"Cubic of 53."

" 148,877."

The chain of questions went on for a few minutes until she heard the woman clap in delight. "Oh how wonderful! We've got ourselves a little prodigy." She said happily.

"But of course it's not all about mathematics." Her tone dimmed a bit, though was still hopeful. "Tell me, Mister Potter. Are you confident that you can surprise me?"

"Of course, principal." Harry simply smirked, "For instance, I am actually a girl."

To which the woman, who she presumed to be the principal, laughed in delight, "Child," She felt her patting her head, "We are going to have a beautiful relationship."

The quiz got harder as it went on for the rest of the school hour and for the next few months until the principal ("Just call me Celest, kid. Principal makes me feel old.") finally stopped giving her questions.

She clapped her back a view times, gave her a slightly thick paper and laughed. "And that's it! You graduated." She stated, confusing Harry.

Harry blinked a couple of times and lifted her head to where she thought Celest's eyes were.

"What? How?"

Celest gave an amused snort and Harry swore she saw some of the shadows weren't moving before moved. She blinked at it. "Um, what the hell just moved?" She asked aloud. She jumped when the shadows started clapping as a few congratulated her on graduating. "What in the bloody-?" She muttered under her breath as Celest laughed, "Language, child."

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