Chapter 9 | One Little, Two Little, Three Little Hocruxes

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Chapter 9 | One Little, Two Little, Three Little Hocruxes

Harry had never thought about flying on a dragon before but hell, did she regret not asking for a ride sooner.

Flying on Aeolus felt like a bliss and although she couldn't see the (probably beautiful) view, she could feel the wind blowing through her short boy-like hair and hitting her face. Even Viktor shared the same sentiment. He was laughing happily from behind her while screaming on the top of his lungs, which she also copied.

They landed in the woods near the large Durmstrang ship and bid their goodbyes.

"Just send me a letter if you're nearby. Can't have you get killed by my creatures afterall."

And with that, a year went by in a flash.

Not only did she still kept in touch with her old families and friends ('When are you visiting?! I swear, you're teasing us!'), she also kept in touch with her new friend, Viktor Krum - she still haven't got a clue who he was supposed to be - who now is getting by splendidly in his studies and also was currently learning English in a fast rate. Courtesy of Harry.

He was so happy with his exams' results that he wrote ['I really do mean it, Polyglot Dragon-child Prodigy! When I meet you again, I'll come running, hug you and spin you in the air! That's how much I'm grateful to you!'] in a couple of his letters.

They still remained in contact even after he caught up to his education. Also, sending letters monthly through the vanishing wooden box. But excluding the new addition, her routine didn't really differ much from what she'd been doing last year.

And only in her last year of freedom did she start making her move.

So now there she stood, in front of the Grimmauld Place, knocking on its front door. Sadly without Neptune as walking around a muggle street with a snake around her neck would most likely raise some alarms.

The door opened to reveal a glowering house-elf. "What does little mudblood wants from Kreacher?" Kreacher spat.

Ten-year-old Harry only smiled at him politely, unsure whether she got the correct angle. "I'm sorry if I got your height wrong, Kreacher. I'm kinda blind, you see." She sheepishly said before continuing when she heard an irritated growl from the grumpy house-elf.

"Well, I came here for the locket of course!"

As if on cue, Kreacher immediately got all defensive and started shouting, "Kreacher don't have any lockets! Go away, mudblood fiend! No lockets here!"


Cringing slightly, "That could have gone better." She sighed, noting that Kreacher had in fact slammed the door in her face.

Knocking again at the door, "Come on, Kreacher! Don't you want to fulfill Regulus' wish?" She asked, much louder this time. Hoping that by bringing up Regulus' name, the house-elf would actually talk to her.

And it worked.

She heard the door creak open again. "You be know of Master Regulus' wish? Mudblood really is going to help Kreacher fulfill Master's wish?" Kreacher asked. Though the old elf sounded skeptical, at least he was listening to her.

"Yes, yes! I can get rid of the dark element off of it. Besides," She tried to figure out where she had put the Slytherin ring on but gave up and just lifted both hands to him, "Technically it does belong to me now as I am the current Head of House Slytherin. The Slytherin ring should be somewhere on my hand." She lifted the notice-me-not charm and revealed it to the house-elf.

Smiling sheepishly, she giggled sheepishly, "Blindness can be quite troubling sometimes."

Reactivating the charm on her hands, the witch gave him an assuring smile. "So, may I?" She asked, gently holding out her hand.

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