Chapter 4 | 1+1=2

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Chapter 4 | 1+1=2

"Well shite."

Clarice looked at the girl in front of her in confusement. "What happened? Is something wrong?" She asked, alarmed.

Harry watched through Ouranos as he looked around at the stalls and shops with writings on them.

It wasn't that she couldn't read, no. She figured out right away why it looked gibberish to her. It was interpreted in 'bird's language', she suppose. And since she didn't understand this so-called bird language, all writings just look like scribbles.

And she explained just that to Clarice.

Through the Thunderbird's eyes, she watched as a woman, who looked younger than her age with only a couple of gray strands on the blonde lock and wrinkles just around her eyes, hummed in thought. "So, does it mean that you'd have to find a creature that actually uses the language that you understand?" The woman asked her.

Harry smiled at Clarice's display of quick understanding. She wonders why her friend didn't get sorted Ravenclaw instead.

"That would be correct, Clay."

Ouranos squawked in displeasure at the thought to being replaced so quickly. Harry giggled and saw herself when Ouranos turned to look at her. Definitely not a Daniel Radcliffe. She had stunning green eyes, pitch black hair and much more feminine features when she took off the glasses.

One of her hands reached up to ruffle some of his white-gold feathers. "I'm not replacing you, Ouranos. Think of it as us bringing in a new companion instead." She assured him, only stopping when he seemed to have calmed down.

Before Clarice could get another word out, Harry was already on her way to Merlin-knows-where. Clarice trailed behind the floating cage as the girl led them through the alley with her new-found sight.

And that's how they arrived to their third stop. The Spiny Serpent.


Harry turned to her right and grinned at Clarice, "Of course, my dear. What better magical creature for a parselmouth to understand than magical snakes?" She said nonchalantly.

True to its name, the shop is full of serpents. Harry looked around the store and could already see a dozen of rare venomous serpents.

"Would you look at that." She whistled before closing her eyes and did the same process in the previous store.

Clarice hung back around the door, Ouranos' rubber cage in hand, and watched Harry do what she needs to do.

That ravenette walked towards where she had pinpointed the right magical wavelength and found herself standing upon a glass cage. Inside, resting on a stone, sat a black-scaled snake with the occasional neon blue while horns and a bright blue jewel adorned head head.

It was clear as day that the snake was a Horned Serpent.

He raised his head in a threatening manner and bare his fangs to her. "Stupid humans! How dare you cage me in this horrid place!!" He hissed.

Through Ouranos' eyes, she could see that the bird was shaking his head at him.

Harry gave the serpent an amused smile as he kept on hissing, "If you don't walk away right now, I swear I will bite you with my deathly venoms!!" The snake opened his mouth to further display his sharp venomous fangs.

"Does that mean you don't want to come with me?"

Her sudden display of parselspeech seemed to detonate the snakes around her as they started hissing simultaneously.

Death's Friend (Female Harry Potter/Tom Riddle|Voldemort)Where stories live. Discover now