Chapter 11 | Unpredictable Fate

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Chapter 11 | Unpredictable Fate

After a couple of subtly directing the young blond's mind, he finally said the main problem.

Now for the final blow.

"Then, what if your father said that you were an embarrassment to the Malfoy Family, or that you're not worthy of the Malfoy name? Would you just accept it blindly?" She asked seriously with a straight face, lifting her hand when heavy strides approached them to stop the person from possibly interrupting the process.

She needed to break down his fixation on his father, his superiority and the need to fulfill every single thing that his father said. The faster he stopped his dependency to his father, the better.

Silver eyes flashed in anger, "What are you trying to say, huh?!" He accused.

Giving him a mirthless smile, she shrugged. "Nothing. I'm merely asking of what you would do in a situation as such."

Malfoy's face fell - not that she could see, "T-Then that would mean that he's right." He muttered sadly. She could just make out the shadow of the blond looking down in frustration with his hands clenches by his sides.

Snapping her fingers on her left hand, "And that's where you're wrong, Heir Malfoy." She tutted. She continued when he made a questioning sound, "If things come to that, then he is the one who is at fault as he, the Head of House Malfoy, should be teaching anything and everything to his one and only heir. If you put in all your effort in, I'm sure he would be proud of you." She said warmly before turning her head fully at him for the first time.

"But if he does indeed tell you that you were the one at fault, then I'm not sure that he even is worthy of the title Head of House Malfoy with what immature behavior but of course this is not really him I'm talking about, this is just an example." She clarified before he could misinterpret her speech.

The eleven-year-old waited for Madam Malkins to finish her measurement, thanked her and continued, "The Head of a House is basically the leader of a clan, is it not? Even if they have the skills to increase the House's honor, reputation and whatnot, how would we know if they know what best course of action they should take when they lack the maturity, open-mindedness nor experience?"

"But of course the fault goes both-ways, if an heir just absorb every single thing that their parents told them without actually experience it themselves, wouldn't you say that they are quite close-minded and down right dependent on their parents?"

"I-I suppose?"

Nodding when he showed that he was paying attention, "Then tell me, Heir Malfoy, what kind of behavior have you displayed in our previous conversation?" She threw him an encouraging smile, as though to tell him that it was okay to answer.

Draco cleared his throat, "I-Immature and close-minded even though I lack experience?" He said slowly, heat seeping up his neck in embarrassment.

"Good job!" She praised, happy that her words got through the blond. "At least, you admitted it. That is already progress." She winked at the blushing boy.

"Just know that those three criterias are only able to be achieved by oneself. Don't just hang on every word you father says, try to have your own opinion. And if you were wrong," She gave her shoulders a helpless shrug, "Then wouldn't just that be a whole new experience to learn from? Not afraid of the consequences to come when you act in what you believe in is quite thrilling, I would say."

One hand tracing the wall, she stepped off of the stepping stool. "But then again it's just my subjective way of thinking, you may take it however you'd like. Good day, Heir Malfoy." She gave him a nod, "Shall we meet again in the train, I would love to be called a friend of yours."

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