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"But, Mum," you whined. "I don't really want to."

"Honey, you are going to whether you like it or not. You know we need the extra money," your Mum said, gently stroking your hair.

You sighed but nodded. Cleaning may have not been your forte, but you would do your best for her. "Fine," you gave in. "Who's my first client?"

Your Mum gave you a slightly mischievous smile. "Our very good friends, the Malfoys." Your jaw dropped. The Malfoys? Annoying, rich, pureblooded. Could your day get any worse? "Oh and you will be cleaning there for a week. Narcissa offered a large sum of money and I accepted. Pack your bags as well, you'll be staying there."

You groaned. Looks like your day could be worse. Why did your Mum have to be good friends with Narcissa? Oh, that's right, they were both Slytherins at Hogwarts. You were definitely having a bad day.

*.☽ .*

You and your Mum apparated to the Malfoys house and stood by the front gate with your luggage.
"Remember, [Name], always wear your uniform. You are a maid," your Mum reiterated. You nodded, not being able to say anything. You wouldn't admit it, but Draco was quite attractive and you were nervous about staying at his, many rumours had floated around about him and you were unsure of what to expect.

You and your Mum walked up to the door and knocked politely. It was opened by a house elf who called out to Narcissa. She appeared and greeted your Mum with a hug. You had been to the Malfoys quite a bit, so Draco knew who you were, the two of you had shared many awkward, forced interactions. But you would never forget the way he eyed you so curiously, a gleam that could never be deciphered.

Speaking of, Draco seemed to have sensed all the commotion and came to the door, eyeing you with a smirk. You glared at him and turned away. Narcissa invited you and your Mum in.

"Draco, dear. Go show [Name] where she will be sleeping," Narcissa told Draco. He smirked. Again.
He motioned you to follow him and you grabbed your bag and trudged up the stairs, reluctantly. You walked past a couple of rooms until he stopped.

"Here's where you'll be staying. Right next to me. So, feel free to come into my room if you have any nightmares." He sent you a wink.

You scoffed. "Nice try, but if I have a nightmare, I'm not coming to you."

Draco walked closer to you. "Looks like I'll have to come to you," he whispered in your ear. His hot breath giving you goosebumps. You walked away from him, into your room. You had to unpack and get ready, considering you're starting today.

Draco left you alone and it gave you time to put on your short, skimpy maid dress your Mum had given you. You groaned. A short, provocative dress around Malfoy would end badly. You shuddered at what you imagined his face to be like. Oh, how you so badly wanted to wipe the smirk off his face and give him a taste of his own medicine.

A knock on your door interrupts your thoughts. To your surprise, it's the Malfoy house elf. "Dinner is ready, Miss [Last Name]." He bows politely. You thank him and head downstairs, in your maid outfit.
The Malfoys were sitting waiting and you noticed your mother was still here.

"Honey, you look so cute in your outfit!" She exclaimed very loudly, causing you to go red as Draco's head whipped around to look at you. His eyes trailed down your body, lingering on your legs and you scoffed, taking the empty seat next to your Mum. Draco was sitting across from you, a cheeky grin on his lips as he lightly kicked your leg, causing you to scowl slightly.

"Young love." Your Mother sighed whimsically. You looked at her in horror. Love? There was no love going on here. Only some hate. Looking at Narcissa's face, she seemed to agree. Lucius? You never knew what he was thinking.

Unfortunately, Draco seemed to hear your mother's comment and subtly winked at you from across the table. You turned your head, facing your mother, listening to her and ignoring him. Although you wouldn't admit it, there was a tinge of red on your face.

*.☽ .*

Your Mum had left after dinner, leaving you alone with the Malfoys. You were feeling quite nervous without her comforting presence.

"Now, [Name]," Narcissa started, "your job is to be cleaning Draco's room and helping him with whatever he needs. He doesn't allow the elves to help him. You will be his personal maid, I guess."

Your eyes widened. You had to serve Draco by yourself. You had to listen to every word he said? Your time here was going to be horrible.

You walked upstairs to Draco's room, ready to start your 'chores'. You walked in and glared. "Why the sour face, [Name]? Aren't you excited to be my maid?" His eyes gleamed with mischief.

"I'm not excited. Now hurry up, what's my first task?"

He smirked and got up from his bed, walking over to you. Startled, you walked backwards away from him. But he just kept getting closer. Until, you hit a wall. How cliche.

He was quite happy by this and decided to invade your personal space by pressing his body against yours. He lowered his head to meet yours and his breath was blowing against your lips. You gulped and felt heat rush to your face, trying to avoid his eyes you looked away, focusing on his dresser instead. You knew he wanted a reaction.

"Excited, [Name]?" he whispered.

You locked eyes with him and shook your head firmly, words seeming to fail you.

He traced your collarbone with his pale finger. "You sure? Your face is red."

"It's just hot in here," you retorted. He chuckled. It was kind of hot, you'll admit.

His hand moved up to trace your lips. "By the look in your eyes, I think you want me." He smirked.

Snapping back to reality, you pushed him off you. "Arrogant git," you muttered. But he seemed to pick up on what you said.

He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you back into the wall. "What did you say?"

A burst of confidence hit you. "I called you an arrogant git. What are you gonna do about it?" 

He clicked his tongue, eyes staying glued to your lips. He glanced back up to your eyes, asking permission silently and you nodded, your face now burning. And with that confirmation, a cold feeling on your lips was felt by you and a cold hand trailing up your thigh gave you goosebumps.

His lips were pressed against yours, the soft flesh sending tingles down your spine as his hands moved down to your waist, squeezing gently.

Draco pulled away, a pleased smile on his face as he eyed your flustered state. "Now," he whispered. "You are mine and only mine. If I ever see you hanging around Saint Potter again, I will kill him myself."
"Harry's my friend, I—"

He cut you off with another kiss, hands wrapping around your waist, tighter and you put your arms around his neck.

He broke away from your lips and buried his head into your neck, leaving kisses everywhere. You bit your lip, trying to stay quiet.

Draco pulled away from your neck and smirked at his artwork. You touched your neck. It hurt and you realised he 'marked' you.
"Mine." he said, pecking you on your lips.

*.☽ .*

After a while, a flustered you, slowly walked out of Draco's room. Your hair a bit of a mess, some buttons of your dress undone and a red face, hickeys littered on your skin.

A pinch on your behind made you squeal and you turned around to catch a stormy grey eye winking.
"Can't wait for you to help me shower tomorrow."

You ran to your room.

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