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It was your last day at Malfoy Manor. Finally. Though you did have this weird feeling of wanting to stay, but you brushed it off and focused on packing and waiting for your Mother to arrive. It was almost dinner time and you made yourself look presentable as Narcissa and Lucius said there was a special guest coming. You had no clue who it could be.

You packed the last thing into your bag, brushed non-existent dirt off yourself and proceeded to walk downstairs into the dining hall. As you walked, your thoughts travelled to the ring Draco gave you. He said they were wedding rings, so you were obviously getting married at some point. But when? And why him?

Voices stopped your thoughts as you heard a very familiar one that made you break out into a smile. Your Mother. You speed walked over to the dining room and opened the door quietly. What you saw shocked you. Your Mother sitting on the right side of the head of the table, talking quietly to someone you didn't know was alive.

The Dark Lord himself was seated at the head of the table looking at your mother almost adoringly?

"Mother?" You asked, dumbfounded.

"[Name], honey!" She got up and wrapped her arms around you in an embrace. "Come meet the Dark Lord." She grabbed your wrist and brought you over to Lord Voldemort. You were shaking. His piercing eyes stared at you and you bowed slightly, unsure of what to do in this situation. "Sit down, [Name]. There's a lot to discuss," your Mum said.

You sat down in the only spare seat. Directly across from your Mother and to the left of Lord Voldemort. Draco was next to you and he squeezed your hand lightly, reassuring you.

"Mother, what do we need to discuss?" You asked politely. Your Mother looked at Voldemort and he stood up behind her, placing his arm lightly on her shoulder.

"[Name]," he hissed almost. "Your Mother is...someone special to me."

It seemed as if time stopped. The Dark Lord was related to you? Your father? But you remembered your Dad when you were younger. This wasn't possible.

"My Father died when I was 4?" It came out as more of a question rather than a statement. 

"He was my boyfriend at the time, as a cover up," your Mother explained, her hands slightly shaking underneath the table. You couldn't believe any of this. There was no way your Mother and Voldemort were 'long lost lovers'. It didn't make any sense at all.

"How am I in Ravenclaw then? Shouldn't I possess Slytherin traits?" 

"You are just a smart girl, my dear," replied Voldemort who had now taken his seat again. "Let's eat and discuss wedding plans. My heir will only marry a pureblood and the Malfoys have been the most loyal, so young Draco has the honour."

Draco intertwined his hand with yours. You had gotten over the shock slightly and began eating to calm yourself down.

"Eat up, everyone. I want time to bond with my heir."

*.☽ .*

After dinner you were shaking like a leaf. You were now expected to talk to your Father, who happens to be the scariest and most evil wizard. Your Mother approached you, pulling you into her embrace.

"I'm sorry for never telling you this, but I didn't know how to.," she apologised. 

"I guess I'll forgive you, but it doesn't change the fact that he is my father." She sighed, her eyes darting around anxiously.

"I know, honey. But he will explain everything. I love you." You smiled, not noticing that there was something off about her demeanour and took a deep breath. You walked into the Malfoy study where Voldemort was sitting.

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