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Your time at Malfoy Manor had been interesting so far. Being a Ravenclaw, Draco would never have been one to notice you out of all people.

You got out of bed, your hair a mess and your lips feeling a little swollen. You quickly hopped in the shower, fixed your birds nest of hair and put back on your dress.

You silently walked down the stairs and heard hushed voices talking. "Ball...Party....Tonight." that's all you could make out. A party? Maybe your Mother would be there! Happy thoughts entered your mind. Except, you were a maid. You might have to help work the party. That drained your moment of happiness.

Footsteps started heading towards you and you just walked out from behind the wall to look like you just came downstairs. It was Lucius. He gave you a look, while you politely curtsied. He gave you the creeps. Always had no emotion shown on his face.

You walked to the kitchen where you saw Narcissa and her sister, Bellatrix. "Hello, dearie," Bellatrix squawked, "Don't you look cute in your maid outfit. Draco's request?"

You shook your head with a polite smile and carried on to get breakfast for Draco.  You walked back upstairs, tray in hand and kicked open his door. A groggy Draco lifted his head slightly and smirked when he saw who it was.

"Feed me," he whined.

"After what I did last time?" You said innocently. His eyes widened and he grabbed the tray from you and started eating. You smiled and got to work cleaning his room.

"Is there a party tonight or something?" You asked.

Draco nodded. "You're invited." That made you slightly happy. You wouldn't have to work the party after all and you could spend time with your mum.

"But you're only invited because you're my date," he added with a sly smile. "So you better look hot for me, love."

You scrunched up your nose. It was better than nothing. "Also, we're a couple tonight. Mother told everyone."

*.☽ .*

It was four in the afternoon and you had successfully cleaned half the house, a feeling of accomplishment settling in you, but it was almost time for the party and you didn't have anything to wear.

You were sitting in your room, pacing and pondering. A light knock was at your door and you quickly answered it. It was a house elf.

"Dress for you, ma'am. It's from your Mother."

You thanked him and took the package, unwrapping it. You pulled out a stunning deep green dress. Now you were very excited.

*.☽ .*

You heard the pianist get to work and the sound of greetings. The party had officially started. You were wearing your dress, waiting for Draco to hurry up. A loud laugh was heard downstairs and your heart ached with longing. It was your Mum, you had missed her a lot, even if it had only been like two days.

"Draco, hurry up!" You yelled into his room.

"Help me get changed, [Name]!" You gulped. Not this again.

You walked into his room and saw him with his buttons undone. You buttoned them as fast as possible and fixed his tie for him.

"Quick, I want to see my Mum."

He rolled his eyes and slipped on his jacket. He linked arms with you and you walked to the stairs. He stopped you. "Tonight you will be good for me, okay?" He whispered into your ear, giving you goosebumps. You nodded.

"Good girl," he said pressing a small kiss to your cheek. You hurried down the stairs and saw your mum.

"Mother!" You cried, pulling yourself away from Draco. You hugged her and chatted.

*.☽ .*

You had spoken to lots of people, being introduced as Draco's girlfriend. Lots of guests had left and only your Mother, Bellatrix and some others were still there.

You decided to freshen up a bit and slipped away to the bathroom. You checked yourself out, made sure you still looked good and turned around to leave. But you got pushed into the wall.

Lips pursued your own and you felt yourself kiss back. The person pulled away and of course, it was Draco.

"What are you doing?" You whispered.

"How could I keep my hands to myself when you look like that?" He said in a husky voice.

You had nothing to say, speechless, so he took this as an opportunity to kiss your jaw and slowly go down to your collarbone. You moved to push him away, but felt yourself enjoy the sensation he brought, sinking into his arms.

"Can't resist me, hey?" He teased.

"Shut up," you said going a little red.

"Glad I can make you blush. I can make you scream too, you know." Your jaw dropped.

"I could make you scream tonight." Draco licked his lips. You were very flustered right now. Tingles ran all through your body.

"I-I have to g-go," you stuttered and ran out of the bathroom.

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