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Today was your first official day at Malfoy Manor, cleaning. Or should you say, being Draco's personal maid. You didn't sleep the best last night, head full of the way you felt with Draco's hands and lips on you, clouding your thoughts.

You got out of bed, had a quick shower and proceeded to put on your  maid outfit. You looked at it in disgust. Why on earth would your mother make you wear this? Many thoughts swirled around in your head and a loud knocking disturbed you.

"[Name], open up!" It was Draco.

"I'm getting changed!" You yelled back. This didn't seem to faze him as the doorknob started turning. You darted over to the door and locked it before he could enter. This may be his house but you still deserved privacy.

"I promise I won't peek," he whined.

"I very much doubt that." You scoffed.

He stayed quiet until you changed, relief settling in your chest. He may be a spoiled brat, but he still had some decency.

*.☽ .*

You walked down the stairs into the kitchen, where Narcissa was standing, waiting. For you probably. "Good morning, your first job is to take breakfast up to Draco," she informed.

You scoffed on the inside. Scratch your last thought, he was just a spoiled brat. But to be polite to Narcissa, you gave her a quick smile and took the tray with Draco's breakfast on it. You slowly trudged up the stairs, dreading the moment you'd walk back into Draco's room.

You reached his door. It was slightly ajar so you lightly kicked it open. You were not prepared for the sight you saw.

Draco had just gotten out of the shower. His towel wrapped loosely around his hips and as much as you didn't like to admit it, his torso was toned.

You quickly averted your eyes away from his body. Not quick enough for the beady eyes belonging to Malfoy. He smirked. You rolled your eyes.

"Here's your breakfast, your majesty." You set his tray on his night stand and curtsied in a mocking manner. You turned away from him and speedily walked to the door.

"Not so fast, [Name]." He growled. You stopped in your tracks, praying that whatever happened next wasn't bad. "Feed me," he declared.

"Put some clothes on," you argued back. You felt him come closer to you.

"Does my body distract you, [Name]?" His breath sent small shivers down your spine. You shook your head slightly.

"Then I think you'll be perfectly alright to feed me." He always knows how to get what he wants.

You slowly turned around to face his smirk. You glared. His tray sat untouched on his night stand and you walked over.

"Hurry up then," you said irritated. He walked over and sat down on his bed, facing you. You grabbed a spoonful of soup. "Open your mouth."

He smirked at this. Pervert. You shoved the spoon in his mouth. You were not going to be gentle. He choked a little and scowled. You just smiled innocently and kept going.

*.☽ .*

After feeding Draco. You cleared his plates and walked out the door. "After you finish cleaning, come back up! I need help getting changed!" He yelled.

Your eyes widened. When was your torture going to end? (A/N. not really torture :P)

You walked down to the kitchen as slowly as possible, to procrastinate from going back up to his room. Didn't work though. The house elves refused your help to clean up. So back up to his dungeon you went.

You trudged up the stairs, fiddling with your dress. You reached his door and walked in hesitantly. You were greeted with a grin. "Ready to help me change?" His voice was low and sultry, he could turn on the charm whenever he wanted to and he knew it had some effect on you.

You ignored him and walked over to his drawers. You pulled out some random clothes and underwear. You threw it at him.

"Tsk, tsk. You're supposed to help me put it on." He flashed a sly smile.

"I think you can do it yourself," you said, turning around and facing away from him.

There was some rustling and his voice told you to turn around. You did and to your surprise Draco was dressed. Kind of. He had put on his pants, but his shirt was unbuttoned.

"Button it for me," he demanded.

"Say please and maybe I will," you said.

"Are you forgetting that you're my maid?"

You frowned and walked closer to him. Your head rested just under his chin. He was definitely quite tall. You started buttoning his shirt. Making sure your hands wouldn't touch his skin. He was breathing down your neck. Literally. And because of this, your hands were shaking a little.

He chuckled a little. "Are you nervous, [Name]?"

You ignored him and carried on buttoning. He grabbed your hands with one of his and used the other to tip your chin up so you could meet his eyes. There was something playful swirling around in them and it made you wonder what he was thinking.

"Come on," he teased. "What's your answer?"

You nodded slightly. He grinned and leaned in to your face. His hot breath fanning against your lips. You picked up on his cue and nodded again, not trusting your voice.

His tongue poked out and licked your top lip. You almost let out a small squeal. Suddenly, he pushed his lips against yours, making you gasp and letting him slip his tongue in.

A different kiss this time, more passionate, urgent. Dangerous.

He had slowly walked you backwards and pushed you against the wall. You knew this could get out of hand if you didn't stop it, but you didn't really want him to stop. His hand slithered up your thigh and the other grabbed your waist.

He pulled back. "I'll make you mine."

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