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You were sitting on your bed, reading, enjoying some peace and quiet. Narcissa gave you a couple hours break. You only had two more days left at the Malfoy's and you could hardly wait.

A knock on your door made you jump. "Come in," you said, still reading.

"Hey, [Name]." It was Malfoy. He walked over to you and you put your book down and slowly backed away. "I'm not going to do anything," he said, calmly.

You raised an eyebrow. What was with this sudden change in attitude. He seemed more genuine and not so flirty. "I'm bored and I want to talk to you."

"About what?"

"Anything. Our futures, school."

You thought for a little while. It didn't seem like he was going to pull anything on you, and it would be nice to just talk to someone your own age. "Sure."

He smiled slightly. That was the closest you'll get to a full real smile, you guess. "You're Ravenclaw, right?" He asked. "What's it like being with all the geeks."

You slapped his arm lightly. "We're not geeks!"

You and Draco had chatted for a while and you actually had a nice time. Who knew he could keep a conversation going? "What do you want to name your future children?" He questioned.

You smiled. "I really like the name Scorpius."

"That's a nice name. I like that one too."

"I can't wait to have children."

"I can help you with that." He smirked. You slapped his arm. "I'm going to marry the prettiest pureblood at Hogwarts," he said dreamily.

A twinge of emotion pierced your heart at this. Were you jealous? No way. "Lucky girl," you muttered softly, looking down.

"I've already found her," he mumbled looking at you with an emotion he didn't even know he could feel, let alone for some girl.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, I have to go," he said and quickly walked out of your room.

Odd, you thought.

*.☽ .*

You were wearing your maid outfit and sweeping the hall, lost in a daydream. "[Name], good you're here. I need help." Malfoy smirked at you. You didn't even realise you were outside his door. He grabbed your wrist, making you drop the broom and dragged you into his room.

"What do you want, Malfoy?"

"You know, I never got you to help me take a shower." He winked. Your face turned red. This kid must have massive moodswings.

"I'm sure you can do it by yourself. I can get you a towel."

"Undress me." It was a demand. You sighed. Maybe it wouldn't hurt? You walked over to him and unbuttoned his shirt. Then you undid his belt.

"You can do the rest yourself," you said, walking out the door.

"Don't leave."You heard a rustling of clothes. "Turn around."

You did, slowly and came face to face with a naked Malfoy. Your hands flew over your eyes. "Malfoy!" you cried.

"Turn the shower on for me." You could hear the smirk in his voice. You shielded your face away from his body and made your way over to his bathroom. Yes, he was that rich he had a bathroom connected to his room. You went and turned on the water, making sure it was a good temperature.

"Ready, Malfoy,"  you called. You covered your eyes, so you didn't see anything when he walked in. You felt his presence next to you. His hot breath was on your neck, giving you goosebumps.

"So innocent. I have to get rid of that," he whispered against your neck, his lips brushing your skin, sending tingles everywhere. "I did a good job on that hickey," he complimented himself.

"Hurry up," you whined. He chuckled and you heard him step into the shower and shut the door.

"Wanna join me?" He teased. You ran out of the bathroom.

*.☽ .*

After dinner, you helped clean up and then went and sat outside, looking at the sunset. You didn't know how long you were out there for when someone came and joined you. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Malfoy said. You nodded. "Not as beautiful as me though."

You scoffed. "You wish." And then silence. Not awkward, just peaceful. Until he opened his mouth again.

"Wanna ride my broomstick?"

"Gross, Malfoy."

"Well the offer will stand for as long as you live."

"What about when you're married?"

"No problem, because it's you who will be my wife."

Your eyes widened at this and your face heated up.

"We'll have beautiful babies with my hair and your [e/c] eyes."

"Who decided we're getting married?"

"Me. And our parents were probably going to set it up anyway."

Your Mum was going to set you up with Malfoy all along? Sending you to be their maid was only the first step. A way for you and Draco to 'bond'.

Draco edged closer to you and brought his lips to your ear. "Wanna ride my broomstick now?"

You pushed him away from. "Oh my Merlin."

"That's what you'll be screaming."

You ran inside.

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