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"[Name], come on. We're going swimming," Draco said, standing in your doorway.

"Swimming? I don't even know if I have bathers."

"Well, I'll be downstairs," he said and left.

You hurriedly searched through your drawers, looking to see if your mother had by any chance packed you a swimsuit. And she did. But she had to choose your skimpiest one. Draco's going to love that. You quickly slipped on the bikini and threw a thin, black summer dress over it. You grabbed sunscreen and any other necessities and ran downstairs to meet Draco.

"Where are we going?" you questioned.

"To the lake in our garden."

"You have a lake?"

He chuckled. "You'll get used to all of this soon when you live here permanently."

You raised an eyebrow. "I'm going to live here permanently?" You sounded like an echo.

"We'll be married, remember?" Draco licked his lips. Heat rushed to your cheeks. At the start of this week, the idea of marrying Malfoy would have been repulsive. But right now, you liked the idea of being his wife.

His cold hand grabbed yours and he dragged you outside, snapping you out of your thoughts. He brought you to the garden and right in front of your eyes was a smallish lake. How did you not see this before? Flowers surrounded it and a weeping willow tree was shading the area. It was beautiful.

"As beautiful as my future wife," Draco murmured. You heard what he said. He really knows how to charm girls, yet he used it as a manipulative trait and you could see that, yet you couldn't help the feelings that were bubbling up inside you.

"Enough admiring, let's swim!" You cried, taking off your sundress. You walked over to the lake.

Draco whistled from behind you. "Damn, if I knew I saw this sight, I would've taken you swimming everyday."

"No touching," you warned.

"No promises."

*.☽ .*

After about an hour, you and Draco got out of the lake and sat on your towels underneath the willow tree. "Willows trees are beautiful," you whispered.

"Not as beautiful as you."

"Stop that."

"Stop what?" He smirked.

"Turning on the charm. I know who you really are." You faced him.

"And what am I?" His aura got darker and as well as his eyes.

"A broken boy who is incapable of loving or having any sort of romantic feelings. I know you're just playing with me, yet I can't help but feel so hurt."

"Really?" He asked. Yet his tone had nothing remorseful about it, it sounded more like he was thinking, and you didn't really like it, an uneasy feeling washing over you. "Is that how you really feel?" You nodded and in a flash his body was hovering over yours, one hand pinning your wrists above you, the other holding himself up. "I'll just have to show you how I feel."

Draco pushed his lips onto yours, and you relaxed into his touch, letting him take control. The kiss deepened and he pushed his tongue into your mouth, exploring the area as one hand trailed down to your waist, toying with the hem of your bikini bottom.

He broke away. "You are my future wife, I can do anything to you. Understand?"

You nodded. "With my consent, right?" Draco nodded.

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