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WARNING! Mildy suggestive themes and some swearing in this chapter.

*.☽ .*

You were dusting the tables downstairs when you heard loud footsteps. "Mother and Father aren't home, so it looks like it's just us two." You spun around and were met with a grin.

You scoffed and resumed your dusting. "Don't ignore me," he whined, walking closer to you.

"Shove off, Malfoy. I'm trying to clean." He snaked his arms around your waist. "Get off, Malfoy." You sighed.

"Don't call me Malfoy," he whispered.

"What am I supposed to call you then? Draco? Master?"

"No. Call me...Daddy." (A/N: OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE MYSELF)

You ripped his arms off you and turned to face him with widened eyes and a tint of pink on your cheeks. "Pervert!" You cried, running outside as far away from him as possible.

You plopped down onto the grass, catching your breath, going over everything that just happened. You could not believe what he asked you to do.

"Hey, why'd you run out here?" Speak of the devil.

"Um, maybe cause you asked me to call y-you," you choked a little, "daddy." He smirked and chuckled a little, his voice sending goosebumps down your body.

"Well, now that we're out here, we can practice some quidditch," he suggested, like he'd done nothing weird at all. He walked over to a small shed and grabbed two broomsticks.

"Uh, I don't play quidditch," you said, staring at the broom uneasily.

"It's easy, just hop on."



"Malfoy, there's no way I'm riding that broomstick."

"I have another broomstick you can ride," he said casually, raising his eyebrows.

You slapped his arm. "Stop with these innuendos!"

"You love it." He said winking.

And you did. "I don't. Now if you don't mind, I'm going inside. Goodbye."

*.☽ .*

After dinner Narcissa said you could take a break. So you were hanging in your room, writing letters to your friends. Malfoy barged in and stood in front of your bed, staring at you. You ignored him for a little while, then realised he wasn't leaving.

You sighed. "What do you want?"

"I'm bored."

You put down your quill and stood in front of him. "What do you want to do?"

"You." And with that he grabbed you and pulled you into his arms.

"Malfoy, get off."

"But you're mine."

"I'm not."

He inhaled in your hair, letting out a sigh as he seemed to be thinking to himself. "Come with me." He dragged you into his room. "I want you to be my buddy."

"Uh, what?"

"My fuck buddy." You twisted your wrist out of Malfoy's grasp and tried to make a run for it, rolling your eyes at his suggestion.

"Not so fast, [Name]," he drawled, locking the door with his wand. "Now, come here."

You decided to just do what he asked, what had you got to lose? There was no denying you were attracted to the blond boy. You walked over to him and he smirked in satisfaction, grabbing your waist and putting his head in the crook of your neck. You stood still, waiting for what he was going to do next. A cold sensation arose on your neck and you realised why. He was licking you. And he wasn't stopping. Was he a cat or something?

You bit your lip and forced yourself to keep quiet. "All done." he said. "Now for sure, you're mine." You refused to answer, unsure of what to say. He noticed this and started to get angry.

"Hop on the bed." It was supposed to be a question, but he said it like a statement.

You hesitated so he decided to take matters into his own hands and grabbed your shoulders, gently pushing you onto his bed. You quickly sat up, scooting back so you were leaned against the headboard. He crawled over to you slowly, creating tension.

Draco reached you and grabbed your wrists, moving them away. He smiled, a mix of lust and mischief was seen in his eyes and you knew that whatever was coming, would be interesting.

He slipped his hands under your top and traced small, slow circles. Goosebumps arose everywhere and you knew he was taunting you. He knew the effect he had on girls. He slowly dragged his hands down and grabbed the end of your top. He tugged on it and you opened your eyes wider. He ripped it over your head and threw it away, the cold air hitting your skin.

Draco had left you in your bra and pj shorts. You felt awkward as his eyes took in your form, a smile on his face. "Beautiful." Before you could process what was happening, Draco had attached his lips to yours. You kissed back, leaving your mouth shut in an attempt to tease him. He tried to poke his tongue through, but you denied access. Draco snaked his hand up to your breast, squeezing gently causing you to gasp, giving him perfect access to your mouth.

He broke the kiss and quickly took his top off. "Do you trust me?" He asked. You nodded.

He reattached his lips and hovered over you, his body heat projecting onto you as his hands wandered your body.

He kissed down your jaw all the way to the top of your breasts. He licked and sucked eliciting small whimpers from you as pleasure waved through your body.

Draco moved back up to your lips and slammed his own against yours. You tangled your hands in his hair and he had his hands either side of your face.

You and him made out for a little while, until you murmured against his lips, the feeling of his hands sliding down to the waistband of your shorts making you feel nervous.

"S-Stop, not yet," you muttered.


"I'm not ready for that yet." He nodded, moving away from you, his face flushed and hair not in its usual neat style.

"If you ever want more pleasure, you know where to find me." He winked. "I can wait to take your virginity."

You squeaked at his comment and threw your top back on, scuttling back to your room where you threw yourself onto your bed, panting. What happened and what could have happened?

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