chapter nine

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+chan's pov+

"no, the blankets are still hidden in the cupboard from last time" leeknow says as we pack up our things at the end of thursday dance practise. ever since we debuted, the last friday of the month we all have a sleepover in one of the dance rooms, which just so happens to be tomorrow.

"hyung you're bringing food right?" han asks snapping me out of the daze i was in, thinking of a certain friend of his.

"i-i uh yeah i am, but i can't go to the grocery store till that afternoon" they all nod and we start to leave the room


i lie down on my bed and let out a huff as i hear a knock at the door. i get up because i know no one else is going to see whose there. i open the door and see the girl who keeps running laps around my mind. a smile lights up her face as she sees me and she quickly hugs me.
"channie!" she cheers as a smile lights up her face and she quickly leaps up and wraps her arms around my neck to give me a hug.
"y/n?" i ask as i instinctively wrap my arms around her waist. i feel her sigh into the hug and i almost melt at the feeling of her wrapping her arms tighter around me.
"mmf. it's as good as i remember." she mumbles into my chest and i feel my cheeks instantly grow hot. i begin to frown as she pulls away but instantly smile as she looks back up at me. wow she's beautiful. aaish what am i saying.
"alas bang bang it has been too long since i last hugged you" she says dramatically, pretending to wipe away a tear and i scoff at the nickname she had just given me.
"bang bang?" i ask, raising my eyebrow at her.
"that is your last name is it not? what am i supposed to call you" she says with a pout. a cute fucking pout might i add. shut up chan oh my god. i smirk as an idea pops into my head and i lean towards her, her eyes instantly widening as i move closer.
"i like it when you call me chris. or you could just call me oppa" i whisper before leaning back so i can see the flustered state she's in. i glance at her neck to see the goosebumps that my breath on her ear has caused. i smugly grin as i see her cheeks the colour of a tomato and she glances down. this is when i notice that my hands have not left her hips and i quickly jerk them away and mumble an apology as my cheeks begin to become as red as hers. i quickly try to change the subject to avoid any awkwardness.
"besides, i saw you on sunday, how is that too long? it's literally four days" i tease her and she smirks.
"hmm i dunno chris. i guess you just have that affect on me" she says and she pats my arm before walking away and shouting out to han.

+y/n's pov+

I have been at the boys dorm for a few hours and it is now 7pm and we decide to get dinner. the people who had to get it would be the two losers of scissors, paper, rock. in the end there was me, changbin, chan and felix.

han yells as we all throw out our hands and i let out a yell as i realise i lost.

"aghhhhh i hate you all" i say with a pout.

"chan hyung and y/n noona have to get me foooooood" innie sings as he does a cute little dance. this is when i finally look up to see chan smirking at me and i begin to hatch a plan. I quickly run to changbin, knowing his weakness. i put on my biggest puppy eyes and begin my aegyo.

"binnie opparrrr. please could you get the food for meee! i'll love you forever and ever and ever! it's too cold for me to go out, and i don't want to get sick" i say in a babyish voice as i pout cutely and i stare at him as his jaw hangs open and i know i have convinced him. just as changbin was about to agree my vision goes black and i start to panic and wave my arms around and hear a deep chuckle behind me. i feel arms wrap around me to stop my flapping arms and i realise how warm i've become. i suddenly am blinded by light as my head pops out and I look down to see chan pulling one of his black hoodies over me.

"aaish you whine too much. let's go." he says grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door.
"ahhhh channnnnie. i had almost convinced him!" i say with a pout as he continues to drag me towards what i expect is his car. he opens the passenger door for me and i plop down on the seat with a humph and i cross my arms.
"if you had convinced changbin i wouldn't have gotten to spend some time alone with you" he says with a grin and closes my door.

eek this is kinda short😪

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