chapter twenty

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our faces barely an inch apart and we both smile at eachother softly before i lean in

and i kiss him.

we both pull back and stare into each others eyes, our cheeks tinted pink. chan suddenly gives me a huge eye smile before crashing his lips on to mine again and i smile into the kiss. he pulls back, smiling contently and i feel my face heat up.
"y/n?" he asks, the smile not leaving his face.
"christopher." i say, smiling as big as he is.
"would you do me the upmost pleasure of becoming my girlfriend?" he says, staring deeply into my eyes. it kind of doesn't feel real. he wants to be with me even though he knows about my anxiety and my problems. i look down shyly but he places his fingers underneath my chin and tilts my head up to face him again and my worries melt as i look at his smile.
"i would love to" i say as he leans in to kiss me again and i wrap my arms around his neck. i pull back and smile at him as our eyes meet again.
"finally." he mumbles, smiling down at me.
"can we go eat ice cream now?" i say and he chuckles before following me out the door.


i lean forward and place my empty ice cream cup on the coffee table before laying down and snuggling into chan's chest. he wraps his arms around me and begins to play with my hair as we watch a movie.
"i don't wanna leave" he mumbles and i tilt my head to look up at him with a pout.
"don't be irresponsible mr bang" i say with a fake stern on my face and he giggles. he shuffles down on the couch so our faces line up before tightening his arms around me nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. i blush as i feel his hot breath on my skin and i feel goosebumps form on my body. he mumbles something into my neck and i giggle softly.
"i couldn't understand that channie" i say and he tilts his head back and looks into my eyes.
"what do you want to tell the boys?" he asks.
"oh... i didn't really think about that." i mutter as i begin to run through possibilities.
"well i think they already have suspicions and i don't think we'd be very good at hiding it from them" i say and he chuckles.
"so i think we should tell them. but i wanna be there when you do it." i explain.
"oh 'when i do it'? so i'm telling them?" he asks with his eyebrows raised and i giggle and nod.
"i don't wanna do it! that's way too scary!" i exclaim and he chuckles again.

"do you want to come over to the dorm tomorrow night then? well if you do end up going to the meeting with me at jyp you could just come back with us. are you going to do that by the way?" he asks and i smile and nod.
"i think i will. it wouldn't hurt to just meet him and talk about what it would be like. plus i don't think he'd leak my identity" i say with a giggle and chan smiles.

"that's pretty big, yeah? i'm happy that you're becoming more comfortable with being more in the limelight." he says with a proud dad sort of smile.

"you kind of make me feel comfortable with it. the way it brings you so much joy to be able to interact with stays, it inspires me and makes me feel like i could do that" i mutter shyly looking down at his chest. i glance up to see him deeply blushing with a shy smile.

"oh god. does that mean you've seen one of my lives?" he says shyly covering his face with his hand and i giggle and nod.

"stays are a bunch of flirts." i say and he laughs.

"they're pick up lines are pretty smooth. you might have to watch out." he says with a cheeky smirk and i roll my eyes.

"as much as i want to keep cuddling i don't want you to get in trouble with the boys." i say with a frown.

"i know, i know, just a couple more minutes." he mumbles, nuzzling his face back into my neck and i giggle.

"i won't come to the meeting tomorrow." i threaten and he instantly jumps up.

"i'm going! jeez, didn't realise you wanted me gone that much." he says as he fakes wiping away a tear.

"aaish shaddup." i say before standing up and take our ice cream cups to the bin as he begins to pick up his things and shoves them into his pockets.

"i'll steal hwan if you don't come to the meeting. there's no way jyp won't let us date publicly if you're with the company too." he says with a sarcastic frown on his face.

"you wouldn't dare!" i dramatically gasp.

"but why is it bad if we can't date publicly?" i ask.

"because I want everyone to know you're mine." he says walking towards me before placing his hand on my waist and looking into my eyes. i instantly blush as our eyes meet and my heat beat quickens as our faces get closer.

"i'm not gonna get used to this i mumble" as i lean in and press my lips to his and feel him smile into the kiss. his grip tightens around my waist as i wrap my arms around his neck and the kiss deepens. i quickly pull back, not wanting this to go any further and begin to shoo him out the door. he stands outside of the door with a pout and i stick my tongue out at him.

"I'll text you tomorrow about the meeting, okay?" he says and i nod. before i can register it chan quickly leans forward and gives my lips a quick peck before giggling and running down the hall. i roll my eyes and smile to myself.

"aaish he's so childish" i mutter and close the door.

i walk into the bathroom and have a shower before turning the tv off and walking upstairs to my room. i lie down in bed and stare at the ceiling for a few minutes before the realisation hits me. i'm dating bang chan. i reach over for my pillow and scream into it before putting it back down and falling asleep with huge smile on my face.

chile they're finally dating👀.

if you're reading this i hope you have a good day :)

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