chapter eleven

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"i'm dystopia rb" i say shyly. i feel his grip on my waist tighten a little as he stares into my eyes and we stand in silence for a few seconds before he speaks up.

"like the anonymous musician?" he says, a sparkle appearing in his eyes as a smile takes over his face. i nod shyly and look down at my feet, this was the first time i had ever told someone in real life, face to face. and when i say face to face i mean it quite literally, our faces were very close. i suddenly feel myself get lifted into the air and spun around, i let out a squeal as chan puts me down and he grabs my shoulder and leans down so we're level.
"i thought you were perfect before! but holy shit this is amazing oh my god!" he whisper shouts with a huge eye smile. an instant blush settles on mine and his cheeks as he realises what he had just said. i giggle him and roll my eyes before elbowing his side.
"damn, just confess your love for me already!" i joke as we begin to walk again.
"hmm no. not yet anyways" he says with a smirk and slides his hands into his hoodie pocket.
"you won't tell the other boys right?" i ask looking to the side and up at him.
"yeah, of course. i wouldn't expose you like that" he laughs. we walk in a comfortable silence and chan nods his head towards a door and we turn to go in but he stops and holds my hand.
"thankyou for trusting me" he says shyly with a smile and i just nod and walk in.


we had ordered and received our food in two big plastic bags. i let out a groan as i realise we have to walk all the way back, as it was a pretty far distance back to the car.
"do we have to go all the way baaaack" i let out a whine as i pout. chan chuckles before taking the bag that you were holding and placing it on the ground along with his. he then turns around and bends his knees.
"i'll give you a piggy back ride" he offers.
"ahhhhhh channie! my prince!" i say gladly jumping on him. he passes me the bags and i wrap my arms around his shoulders and hold them.
"so do you have any plans tomorrow?" he asks, trying to make small talk as we start the trek back to the car.
"hmm not really. my friend ji and i are going camping at the beach on saturday so i'll probably just pack for that." i answer.
"what about you?" i return to the question.
"the boys and i do this this little thing where we have a big sleepover at the company every month or so. we're doing one of those tomorrow" he says with a smile and i nod.
"i'm thinking you do this for me every time we go out, yeah?" i say with a giggle as i rest my chin in the crook of his neck.
"oh so we're gonna go out huh?" he says with a smirk. i lightly slap his head and roll my eyes.
"you're a a smooth one christopher." i say with a giggle.


we arrive at their dorm again and the door opens quickly to seven starving boys jumping for food. we all walk over to the couch and i sit between han and chan. we all begin to eat our food and watch some movie the others had started while chan and i were out. i feel chan lean over.
"do you have any idea what's going on" he whispers. i giggle and shake my head. i suddenly feel a weight and look down to see hanji laying his head in my lap while continuing to watch the movie. i smile and begin to stroke his hair and feel him melt into me with a large smile on his face.
"mmm that feels good" he mutters softly, already drifting off to sleep.


an hour has passed with han peacefully sleeping on my lap and the movie has ended.
"mmm i don't wanna leave and wake him up" i say with a pout and all the boys laugh softly.
"hey noona?" innie says looking over to me from the other side of the couch, i nod at him and give him a smile.
"will you come over again on the weekend?" he asks with a hopeful smile.
"ahhh innie, i'm going to the beach with my friend all weekend" i say with a frown and he instantly pouts.
"wait is it with ji?? CAN WE COME?!" han is suddenly on the ground begging on his knees in front of me.
"i thought you were asleep?" i giggle at his pleading face.
"i was but you stopped stroking my hair when you started speaking to everyone which made me wake up, but anyways, PLEASE Y/N ASK JI IF WE CAN COME" he says with big puppy eyes and sticking his bottom lip out. i look around to see all the others looking at me with hopeful smiles, i then turn to chan and see him smiling.
"would you like to come?" i ask him with a smile and he nods eagerly giving me an eye smile.
"aaish, i guess it wouldn't hurt to ask her" i say with a giggle. i reach into my pocket and pull out my phone and press her phone number.
"why must you wake me up at this hour" i hear my best friend groan into the phone and i chuckle.
"how would you feel about a certain kpop boy group joining our beach weekend?" i say with a large smile.

hey laydeez😜
i'm meant to be doing math homework rn but yolo 👁3👁
anywayssss how we feelin about y/n and chans growing relationship?
i uwu'd quite hard while writing this🥺

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