chapter twenty-four

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english is in bold :)

the next week goes by crazily, the company has been trying to find me a suitable manager and i have had non-stop meetings. i shuffle into my apartment and flop down onto my couch, completely exhausted. i sigh into the cushions, half falling asleep already, but get awoken by my phone getting a notification.

channie <3
hey bby🥺
i haven't seen you all week
are you okay?

i've just been busy
i'm so exhausted :((

channie <3
can i come over?
i wanna see you :)

please do🥺

channie <3
ice cream? :)

ahhhhh yes pleaseeee <333333333

i turn my phone off and smile at how perfect he is. almost 15 minutes later i get a text from chan saying he's here. i rub my tired eyes before standing up and walking over to the door to let him in. i press the button and unlock my door before poking my head out to watch him come down the hall. i smile as his floppy brown hair bounces up and down as he jogs up the stairs. he immediately smiles and runs towards me, almost making me fall over when he engulfs me in a hug. i melt into him, realising just how much i missed him, even though it was only a couple of days.

i snuggle into him as we lay on the couch and blush at how happy he makes me by being here.
"so what did you do all week?" he asks while twirling a strand of my hair in his fingers.
"i met with a bunch of possible managers" i reply while fiddling with his other hand.
"did you find a good one?" he asks.
"i think so, there was this one guy, he reminds me a lot of my brother" i say with a smile.
"a lot more responsible though" i add and he laughs.
"i cant wait to meet your family" he mumbles shyly and a deep blush forms on my cheeks.
"and i can't wait to meet yours" i add and look up at him with a huge smile on my face.

"you know, my sister asked about you" he says and i look at the huge smile on his face.
"wait what? really? what did she say?" i ask, quickly sitting up, causing chan to giggle.
"she listens to your music, and when she saw the articles that said we were dating she called me." he says with a chuckle.
"she listens to my music?" i say with a large smile and he nods happily.
"awhhhhhhh! what did you tell her?" i ask.
"I said that we recently got together... and she freaked out." he says while giggling.
"happy freak out and weird freaked out?" I ask, slightly panicked.
"happy freaked out, she told me to steal your phone and follow her and to facetime her while i'm with you." he says while smiling at me.
"whats her instagram?" i ask while taking my phone out and giving it to him so he can put it in. he laughs before typing it in and i instantly follow her, smiling at how she was already following me.
"aaish, i hope she likes me." i mumble and chan instantly wraps his arms around me and brings me back down to him.
"don't worry about it. i'm sure my whole family will love you" he says as i melt into him again and he wraps his arm around my waist.
"i'm not worrying" i grumbled quietly and chan laughs as he intertwines our hands together.
"you worry more than anyone i know" he replies.
"aaish shaddup" i mumble looking up at him.

"when do i get to meet them though? like when is the aus tour?" i ask and chan makes an 'o' with his mouth.
"i forgot to tell you! we fly to brisbane, where we have our first concert on the 16th, next month" he says, a huge smile growing on his face.
"come again?" i say, completely shocked and chan giggles.
"16th. next month." he repeats.
"chan. it's 20th. THATS NOT EVEN A MONTH AWAY OH MY GOD" i yell into his chest, muffling my excitement.
"i haven't even told my family, we're dating! or that i'm signed with jyp. or told them i'm coming home. oh my god." i say, slightly panicking.
"then just call them and tell them everything at once" he suggests and i nod.
"it's around 8pm there, should i do it now?" i ask and chan nods. i pick my phone up again and bring it to my ear after calling my mums phone number.

"y/n? you normally call me on saturdays, are you okay?" she asks, and i chuckle lightly at her motherly worrying.
"i'm fine mum, i um i guess i just have a bit of news. well actually a lot of news." i say, my smile growing as i speak to her.
"well don't leave me on a cliffhanger" she says, waiting for me to tell her.
"well um... i-i have a boyfriend i guess" i mutter, shyly, looking up to see chan smiling at me.
"you guess?" she asks with a chuckle and i playfully roll my eyes while chan laughs.
"no, i have a boyfriend. his name is chan" i say.
"does this chan happen to be with you right now?" she asks with a giggle and i look to chan and turn the phone on speaker.
"hi mrs bam" chan says into the phone.
"oooooo a nice voice. i bet he's handsome" she says and i blush and groan at her words. chan wiggles his eyebrows at me before thanking her.
"do you want to facetime so you can see how ugly he really is?" i ask.
"hey!" chan says with a fake hurt expression, causing me to giggle. before i even get an answer from her, she's already calling. i press answer and smile at the sight of her big smile. chan waves at the camera and he face lights up.
"oh, very handsome indeed." she says, making chan blush slightly as he thanks her again.

i notice her start to walk through the house and then my dad pops up on the screen.
"dad!" i yell excitedly.
"oh, hey kiddo! what's going on?" he says excitedly, stealing the phone from my mum. i notice chan tense under me and i intertwine our hands, trying to calm him.
"dad, i'd like you to meet my boyfriend, chan" i say and see chan smile at the camera again.
"hi mr bam" he says and i notice my dad give a huge smile.
"BOYFRIEND?" he says excitedly before yelling out to my mum, her face coming back onto screen next to him.
"y/n has a boyfriend!" he says eagerly and i giggle at his childishness. i notice chan become more relaxed as he sees how excited my parents are for us.
"so when do we get to meet you chan?" my mum asks excitedly.
"well that's another thing i needed to tell you" i say, barely keeping in my excitement.
"i'm coming home"



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