chapter seventeen

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"AHHHH WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?" seungmin whines as he pulls us inside the practise room.
"ahhh it's my fault i went to the bathroom in the lobby and there was a huge line" chan says, giving me a soft smile. i place all the food and drinks down before taking my iced latte out of one of the trays.
"i wish i could stay but i have some important stuff to do at home" i say with a weak smile. han looks over at me with a furrowed brow, noticing that i'm not as cheerful.
"ahhh come hang out with us again soon noona!" innie says after giving me a hug.
"i'll walk you down" han says, quickly standing up and following me out the door. instantly i feel him wrap his arms around me "are you okay?" he asks in a soft voice.
"ahhh there were a few people taking photos of me entering jyp with chan. i had a mask on though so i should be fine but i had an attack" i explain. he pulls away from the hug and lightly flicks my head.
"aaish. don't post photos of your outfits you idiot" he says quietly with a chuckle, i pout and rub my forehead as we begin to walk away.
"are you sure you're okay?" he asks again as we reach the lobby.
"yeah i'm fine, i just wanna go home. chan actually really helped with the attack" i say with a light blush and smile.
"aaish stop making me feel so lonely. go home and make some music yeah?" he says giving me another hug. i nod and give him a smile before putting my mask back on and walk out of the building. luckily there weren't any photographers this time and it was an easy trip to my car


i had gotten home a few hours ago and began working on my music straight away. i find that i'm able to be so much more creative when i'm emotional. i check the time and see it's 5:30pm. i decide to take hwan for a walk before it gets too dark. i throw one of chan's hoodies on, in an effort to conceal some of my outfit and shove my phone, keys and mask in my purse again. i quickly lock my apartment and walk to Eun Ae's and knock softy on the door. Eun Ae quickly opens the door and gives me a soft smile before trapping me in an embrace.
"ahh hi y/n!" she says with a sweet smile and i return the greeting.
"i was wondering if little hwannie would like to go for a walk with me" i say with a smile.
"oh, i think you already know the answer to that" she says with an even brighter smile as she opens the door wider, allowing me to come in. hwan excitedly jumps at my legs as i walk over to the counter to take his leash. i clasp it onto his collar and he quickly runs out of the apartment door, taking me with him.
"i won't be like Eun Ae!" i say as i jog to catch up with hwan and i hear her laughing as she closes the door.

as i exit the main door i bump into someone and quickly bow and apologise.
"you almost broke my arm! i'll sue you" i hear a familiar voice say and i quickly stand back up and smile.
"channie!" i cheer as he engulfs me in a hug.
"i didn't know you had a dog! i'm coming over so much more often now." he says as he drops to knees so he can give the small dog scratches.
"ahh hwannie belongs to one of the ladies in the apartments near mine. she's quite old so i take him out for walks as much as i can." i say as i kneel down next to chan and hwan instantly leaves chan and runs to me.
"well he obviously likes you" chan says faking a hurt expression and i giggle as we both stand back up.
"so what brings you to my humble abode?" i ask with a smile.
"ahh i was just gonna come and check up on you" he says while scratching his nape and blushing.
"ahhh so sweet channie!" i say, punching his cheeks.
"do you want to maybe join mine and hwan's walk?" i ask with a blush and he nods eagerly and we begin to walk.
"nice hoodie by the way" he says with a smirk and i roll my eyes.
"so how long have you known Eun Ae?" he asks.
"well as you know, i was with a host family from 15-18. then my music started bringing me an income and i could afford that apartment and i moved in straight away. Eun Ae sort of became like a mother figure for me. i try to have dinner with her at least once a week." i say, smiling at the memories of Eun Ae helping me with nearly everything.
"does she have any family?" he asks, and it makes me blush because he's genuinely interested.
"no, her husband passed a few years before i met her and her daughter passed of a heart condition when she was in her early teens." i say with a weak smile.
"i bet she really cares about you huh?" he says looking to the side at me with a smile and i nod.
"she hasn't been doing to well lately though. she got diagnosed with breast cancer halfway at the start of this year" i explain looking down at hwan and chan gives me a reassuring pat on the back.
"i've already promised i'd take hwan if she were to pass. she said that's all she had to worry about" i say with a soft chuckle.
"how old is hwan?" he asks.
"i think 3 this year, hold on why am i the only one asking questions here, mr mysterious?" i ask realising it's been mostly me talking the whole time and he laughs.
"i like your laugh" i admit with a blush and he smiles.
"i like your laugh more" he replies and i roll my eyes.
"where in australia are you from?" i ask
"sydney" he answers and i slap his arm.
"ME TOO!" i yell excitedly and we both laugh.
"how long has it been since you've been to australia?" i ask softy, knowing that this could be a touchy subject.
"2 years next month" he says trying to cover up his sadness with a smile.
"what about you?" he returns the question.
"i haven't been back since i first came here, but my parents and younger brother have come to visit me every christmas" i say with a smile.
"what?! you haven't been back to aus in 5 years?" he asks with a shocked expression and i nod. we walk silently for a few minutes and i glance at chan to see him processing something in his head.
"is it really that shocking?" i ask with a laugh.
"what if... what if we went to australia?" he asks looking into my eyes seriously.


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