chapter nineteen

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anonymous musician dystopia.rb
speculated to be signing with jyp entertainment

dystopia.rb speculated to be in a relationship with stray kids leader, bang chan

i look at the photos attached to the article of me and chan hugging and holding hands outside of jyp.
"neither of these are true" i mutter.
"yet" chan adds with a smirk and i instantly blush. i don't know why but i'm not really bothered by the photos.
"don't worry, your face isn't shown in any of the photos" he says with a soft smile.
"what did jyp say about me?" i ask
curiously as i give his phone back.
"well he said yes to the meeting, but then asked if i had seen the articles published about us. but he didn't seem mad, then he asked how i knew you blah blah blah then asked if i thought you would want to join jyp." he asked. my face drops and i stare at him with wide eyes.
"he wants me to join jyp?" i ask with a shocked expression.
"i think a lot of companies want to sign with you actually" he says with a chuckle as we both begin to eat again and i shake my head.
"y/n, you can sing, rap and produce. you're amazing" he insits, looking into my eyes and i shyly look away.
"aaish shaddup. i don't take compliments well" i mutter.
"besides, you can do all of that plus dance! you're the amazing one here" i say, poking at his leg.
"trust me, i'm probably worse at taking compliments than you" he says as he starts turning red and i giggle.

"he also asked if you would come with me to the meeting tomorrow so he can talk to about a possible contract" chan says casually, as if that's not the biggest thing i've ever heard.
"WHAT?" i yell dropping my chopsticks.
"you don't have to, you do realise that means another person will know your identity, right?" he asks raising an eyebrow at me and i nod softly, thinking it over.
"do you think i should sign with jyp, i mean if he really does offer?" i ask shyly while looking down and playing with my food.
"i mean, a manager wouldn't hurt, and you could sign an individual contract which kinda means you can do all your music the same way you have been. advertising would mean your listeners will grow globally, and just you being signed to jyp would grow your fan base" he explains and i nod along.
"but i don't know if they'll allow you to keep your identity anonymous, because seeing as how you already have quite a large fan base, the company might want you to do performances" he continues snd i nod again.
"so pros i would grow majorly, my publicity would be managed and i get to be in jyp. cons, i'd have to reveal my identity and deal with the stress of always being judged." i repeat back to him and he nods.
"and i mean... it would be a lot easier to date you if you were at the same place as me everyday" he says with a smirk then looks up with a smile. i roll my eyes and punch him lightly.
"who says i'd date a loser like you mister christopher" i mumble and he laughs.
"hey hey! i was only speaking what's on my mind!" he says, putting his hands up defensively and laughing

i hop down from the kitchen counter and put mine and his leftovers in the bin. chan then opens the freezer and takes out our ice creams. i quickly shuffle over to him and try to take my ice cream from him but he holds it above my head.
"nuh uh. i wanna your music room" he says with an evil smile. i roll my eyes before he puts the ice cream back in the freezer and i lead him to the room upstairs. i open the door and feel myself instantly relax.
"you smile when you walk in here" chan says as he observes my every movement.
"weirdo" i mumble, pouting at him. i sit down in my chair and enter the password into my computer and it opens to the track that's been bugging me for the past couple months.
"oh my god! YOU PRODUCE MUSIC!" i yell as the realisation hits me.
"can you please listen to this track and tell me what's wrong with it, it's been bugging me for months!" i say quickly as i bring my hands together and begin to beg him.
"hmmmmm, only if we can cuddle later" he says with a cheeky grin and i giggle. i stand up and gesture for him to sit in my chair and he does. he presses play and stares at nothing in particular as he concentrates on the music. i smile as i notice him bopping his head slightly and an 'o' forms in his mouth as the beats used in the chorus start to play. the song ends and i let chan sit there for a couple minutes so he can think.
"come here" he says and i step next to him and lean over so i can look closer at the computer. i suddenly feel his hands on my hips and he pulls me to sit on his lap. he reaches around me, resting his arm against my waist and takes hold of the computer mouse. i instantly blush but he acts like he's doing nothing as he starts to scan through seperate parts of the song.
"i think you should change the pitch here, it's too much of a drop from what plays during the chorus. definitely don't change the chorus, that's honestly amazing, but in the final verse, the beats sort of switch. other than that it's kind of perfect." he mutters as he continues to scan through the song. i nod along before taking the mouse out of his hand and beginning to adjust to fit his advice. i feel his arms wrap around my waist and he hugs me from behind as i blush but continue to edit the song.

about ten minutes of chan happily watching and hugging me as i edit the song pass.
"okay okay, listen now." i say as i press play and lean back into him as he props his head onto my shoulder. i can barely contain my happiness as i listen to it play and it sounds exactly how i imagined it. the song finishes and i let out a loud groan, thankful that the song is finally fixed. i quickly jump off of chans lap and stick my arms in the air in celebration, chan quickly jumps up to match my excitement.
"UGH IVE BEEN WORKING ON THAT FOR MONTHS!" i yell at him, grinning excitedly.
"ITS REALLY GOOD" he yells back and we both laugh. if someone were to look at us right now, they'd think we were clinically insane. i jump up and down excitedly before wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a hug. we pull both pull back slightly and our eyes meet. our faces barely an inch apart and we both smile at eachother softly before i lean in

and i kiss him.


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