chapter thirteen

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yuna waddles over with a tray of coffees and a bag filled with pastries that the boys insisted on buying even though we had breakfast about an hour ago. we walk back to car and chan begins to drive again. i sip on my drink and then hold out my hand towards chan. he looks at me with a questioning look, raising one of his eyebrows.

"phone" is all i say as i wait for him to give it to me. he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone before handing it to me. i put in his passcode and search through his spotify, smiling softly as i scroll past sweater weather. i let out a chuckle as i find a playlist called 'the gang', filled with 3racha songs.

"in honour of all members of 3racha being in the car, i say that we have a little 3racha marathon!" i cheer and hear Felix cheer as well. i then turn to face the other three boys and see the looks of disgust and cringe on their faces. i smile evilly before putting WOW on. i smirk at hanji knowing he's gonna start yelling.

"N/N I WILL END YOUR LIFESPAN PLEASE TURN IT OFF!" hanji groans and yells.

"EOGIYO NOONA, HOKSHI NAMJACHINGU ISSEYO?" everone in the car yells as han hides his face in his hands.


after about an hour of listening to 3racha and my teasing we arrive at mine and ji's secret spot. i smile as i look at the grassy area shaded by trees right next to the sandy beach. the others had arrived before us and as the boys started to open the doors i stop them.
"you must swear to secrecy! this spot is mine a ji's and if you ever come here i will personally beat you up." i say with my brows furrowed. however, they can't take me seriously and laugh as they leave the car before we all walk over to the others who had already set up all of the tents.
"nice of you to show up after we've done everything. what took you guys so long?" changbin asks.
"y/n's addiction kicked in and we had to get another coffee" chan explains with a laugh.
"hey! don't make fun of me. it's a real problem. also if i recall correctly, i wasn't the only getting stuff." i say rolling my eyes and crossing my arms.
"well me and you are together in a tent and all the other boys have made the pairs for themselves." ji says as she rolls her eyes. our car had everyone's bags in it, while jiwoo's car had all of the camping gear in it so we put all of our bags in our own tents before meeting up in the middle of where all the tents were. ji and i decided to set up the other things like the food and stuff while the boys got firewood.


"woah woah woah there. i don't think we needed half a forest" i say as the boys return all carrying huge amounts of wood individually.
"can we go swim nowwwww. i'm so sweaty from carrying all of that!" hyunjin whines as he dumps the firewood in a pile and dusts of his hands.
"yeah let's go for a swim now!" innie says excitedly. i check my phone for the time and see that it's 3pm.
"we probably can't swim for too long otherwise we're gonna be cold and wet with no sun." chan says, reading the time over my shoulder.

i emerge out of my tent in my bikini, already hating the skin that's showing. i notice chan walking over, shirtless and i swear i'm about to die. he almost looks like a god walking towards me with his ✨scrumptious✨ body almost shining in the sun.
"are you alright?" he asks noticing my change in mood.
"um yeah. i guess i just don't like showing this much skin" i say with a nervous laugh, trying to cover some of my body with my arms. chan furrows his eyebrows as he nods before quickly walking back to his tent and taking something. he jogs back to me with a smile as he hands me the shirt he was wearing in the car.
"no no it's alright, really. i don't want to get your clothes wet!" i say trying to be nice.
"no i insist. i want you to be comfy around m- us" he says as he pushes the shirt over my head and onto my neck. i shyly smile and blush as i put my arms through the wholes and he smiles at me proudly. the baggy shirts hem rests on my thigh, making me feel a lot less anxious.
"you know, you look really good in my clothes" he says as we begin to walk to where the others were dumping their towels on the sand. i blush again as i look down and continue to walk. i look up as i hear everyone else yelling as they all run into the water and i smile. i look over to see changbin and jiwoo being pretty close and i nudge chan.
"10,000 won changbin and ji are gonna get together." i say pointing towards them as we both put our towels down.
"i thought you said that she was into girls?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.
"she's pans silly" i say rolling my eyes. all of a sudden i feel a hand take mine and i yell and laugh as chan drags me towards the water.
"AAISH ITS TOO COLD CHAN STOP" i yell as i feel the water on my legs. he suddenly picks me up and begins to carry me bridal style as he walks in deeper and i let out a huge laugh.

i wrote half of this in my study period😌😜

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