chapter twenty-two

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i park my car and try to calm my breathing for a few minutes before checking the time 2:45 and decide to text chan.

hey so um i'm in my car
idrk what to do

channie <3
i'll come out and get you
do you have a mask with you?

yes yes
i'll see you in a bit

channie <3

i turn my phone off and place it in my purse and take my mask out. i hang it off one ear and wait till i see chan coming. i quickly look in the mirror, hoping that my rush here doesn't show in my appearance. i turn to look out my window to see a man dressed in all black waddling over to my car and i instantly grin. he opens the car door and tackles me into a tight hug.
"um ch-chan i cant breathe" i wheeze into his ear and he quickly loosens his grip.
"sorry. i missed you" he says with a grin, our faces only inches apart.
"it hasn't even been a day" i chuckle, noticing him glance down at my lips. he hesitates before quickly leaning forward, crashing his lips onto mine. i bring my hand to the side of his face and i feel myself smile into the kiss. we pull away and grin at eachother with light blushes on our cheeks.
"i have to do that more" he mumbles, keeping eye contact with me.

he quickly leans forward and picks the other side of my mask up and wraps it around my other ear. he steps back and holds out his hand to help me out of the car, i take it and step out before locking the car. we walk towards the doors, this time without the paparazzi. he takes hold of my hand as we walk through the doors and walk into the elevators. he presses a button which i assume will take us to jyp's office. i tighten my grip on chans hand as i feel the nerves coming into full affect. he glances up at the feeling and furrows his brow at me panicking.
"hey, you'll do amazing! hardly anyone gets an interview with the jyp after he just hears some of your published music!" he reassures me as he strokes his thumb over my hand in his. i nod softly, my breathing calming a little as i hear the ding of the elevator, announcing that we had arrived. we walk out of the door and my grip on chan's hand tightens as he begins to talk to a lady at a desk. my mind completely blurring out their conversation as i run through all the possible scenarios. he snaps me out of my gaze by giving my hand two quick squeezes and he nods towards the door. he knocks softly on the door before letting my hand go and opening it.

i follow him into the room to see an older man standing up with wide arms.
"ahhhh bang chan!" jyp says with a large smile (FUCK JYP. ME AND ALL MY HOMIES HATE JYP).
"and i assume dystopia rb?" he says, meeting my eyes and smiling widely, who's gesturing for us to sit. i smile at him and nod softly as i sit next to chan in front of his desk. he takes a seat and intertwines his hands before placing them on his desk.
"firstly, what did you want to talk about chan?" he asks
"well, sir, i know you have already suggested this, but i believe it would be a great opportunity to do a tour in australia, following our comeback." he says seriously. jyp nods his head continuously as he stares in thought at chan.
"okay. i'll organise it. you'll be given a week of holidays, where yourself and felix can visit family." he says with a nod. i stare at him amazed at how he has the power to allow that in a split second. chan glances over to me and gives me a smile before speaking again.
"oh also, would it be possible for y/n to join us on the tour?" he asks, his hands fiddling in his lap as he's unsure of the answer he will get.
"y/n?" jyp asks, furrowing his brow.
"oh sorry, that's my real name." i say, contributing to the conversation for the first time. jyp glances between chan and myself, squinting slightly.
"mmm. yet to be decided" he says before turning to me, his furrowed brow instantly turning into a smile.

"now. y/n, was it?" he says and i nod.
"i'll be blunt with you. i desperately want you under this company, your music is going off the charts and i know you're only going to grow from here. jyp entertainment can help you reach even higher levels, while managing you." he says quite seriously and i gulp while nodding my head.
"i'd like to know what my working conditions would be like. chan told me that i'd be able to produce my music quite similar to what i already have been. is that what would be available to me?" i ask.
"obviously your music would have to be planned and approved before being released, but you have free range of the production process of your work." he confirms and smiles.
"i would also like to know what would happen with my i-identity" i say, my nerves getting to me as i stutter. jyp nods before staying silent for a few seconds.
"i think it would be beneficial for you to reveal your identity but i'm not going to force you to. some idols, like bang chan here, enjoy interacting with their fans, while others are perfectly fine interacting through a screen. however, if you were to reveal your identity you'd be able to vlives, meet and greets and concerts" he says and i nod. i quickly glance up to chan and see him smiling softly at me, i grin at him before looking back to jyp.
"i-i think i would be very interested in signing under jyp" i say with a smile.

chile i wrote half of this in my study period and my computer didn't save it so i had to re-write it😃


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