chapter fifteen

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+chan's pov+

i wake up to giggling and the sounds of photos being taken but decide to ignore it as i hug my pillow tighter and nuzzle my head into it. this pillow smells really good. and is really warm. and... has hair? i quickly open my eyes to look at my 'pillow' and widen them when i realise it's y/n. i look to the tent zipper and see jiwoo and changbin taking photos of us and i give changbin the rude finger and motion for them to leave with my hand. i hear y/n stir and let out a small groan and my heart melts. the two quickly give me a thumbs up before zipping the tent back up and i roll my eyes. i look back down to see her hand clenching the fabric of my shirt into a bunch as she snuggles into my chest. i think i might actually die. how is she that cute? i lay my head back down and slide the fabric of 'her' hoodie up and begin to draw circles with my finger on her lower back. i close my eyes and drift back to sleep.

+y/n's pov+

i think that might be the best sleep i've had in years. i tilt my neck back to see chan peacefully sleeping and i wrap my arm around his waist as i cuddle into him more. i cant describe the feeling i get when i'm in his arms, it's just... it's just good.
"good morning" he says in a raspy voice and i look up and smile at him.
"good morning" i say, grinning at how cute he looks with messy hair. without thinking i bring my hand up and run my finger through it but quickly pull my hand back down and blush.
"sorry" i mumble as i look back down towards his chest. he brings his hand to my chin and lightly pushes my head up to look back at him before tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"don't be. it feels nice" he says with a smile. i bring my hand up again and begin to play with his hair.
"mmf. why's your hair softer than mine you ass" i mumble with a frown as i continue to play with it. he chuckles before taking hold of my wrist and bringing it back down to his waist as he pulls me closer and i cuddle into him.
"i wish we could stay like this forever" he mumbles into my hair and i giggle into his chest.
"do you know what time it is?" i ask as i tilt my head back to look at him again. he reaches behind him and picks up his phone.
"9:30" he says before putting his phone back down.
"hmm. we should get up soon. i wanna go for another swim before we leave." i say pushing my upper half up so i'm sitting.
"mmmm in a minute" chan groans before dragging me back down and trapping me in his arms.
"channieeeee" i whine but giggle.
he wraps his arms around my waist even tighter before groaning but suddenly stops.
"i'll let you go if you promise to go on a date with me" he says with a cheeky grin. i roll my eyes but nod against his chest. he finally lets me go and i sit up with my legs crossed. i look around for my phone and find it in the corner connected to my portable charger while chan opens up the tent. he steps out but holds the zipper open for me as i step out and i groan as i get blinded by the sun. we both shuffle over to where everyone else was sitting.
"oh um quick warning. changbin and jiwoo might have taken photos of us." he says while scratching the back of his neck and i groan. i flop down on the picnic blanket that everyone was sitting on and put my head in hanji's lap, closing my eyes to try and shield some of the brightness.
"ahh nice of the love birds to join us" changbin says as him and jiwoo sit and cook the breakfast. i quickly open my eyes and glare at them before looking back up, and accidentally meeting han's eyes and furrowed brow.
"do explain sir changbin" han says and changbin throws his phone at him. han catches it and looks at whatever was on the screen, his eyes instantly widening.
"CHAN ARE YOU GETTING WITH MY BESTFRIEND? BYE" han yells as he begin to burst out in laughter and each person there takes a look at the photos of chan and i cuddling. i sit up before shuffling away from han and sitting next to chan.
"i hate you all" i mumble as i cover my red face with my sweater paws.


chile i'm currently watching jae parks twitch stream and i'm so in love with this dude bye-

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