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Third person's pov.

"Get the fuck out!" Hades yells at his brother Zeus in anger. Hades knew she was cheating on him but he had wished he was wrong all he needed was proof and proof did he get.

Everything was showed to him by his brother and instead of thanking his brother for saving him from her clutches, he yells at him.

"Hades calm down" Zeus the God sky says, "Calm down?! I'm a failure of Mother and father's creation! I fucking rule the dead. My wife cheated on me with a mere human and you're saying I should calm down?!" And a chair is thrown to Zeus, he easily dodges the chair.

"You're not a failure" Hades shoots him a glare, he knows he's a failure, nobody has failed to remind him of what a failure he is. "I can't even keep a goddamn woman and you say I'm not a failure" he screams, sweat forming on his forehead.

Zeus takes a daring step closer to his brother. No matter how poorly his brother has treated him he would always stand by him, some might call him foolish hell some call Hades' siblings fools for staying with their easily tempered brother that don't care.

"Everything I fucking touch fucking destroys" Hades kicks a chair, Zeus silently thanks his sister for giving the maids and guards a break he knows Hades' home is going to fall tonight.


"Get out Zeus!"

"I don't have a woman too and no one thinks I'm a failure" Zeus ignores his brother, he knows he could easily beat his brother in combat after all he was called the God of thunderstorms for a reason.

"GET OUT!" Zeus steps falter, The words of Hades rings in the empty mansion.

Hades breathes heavily, he loved her and she cheated on him the only person who made him feel different, the only person who didn't let him feel like a failure cheated on him with a mere human, a wicked smile suddenly forms on his face.


Hera walks impatiently, her heels making a loud click-click on the floor as she hurriedly enters into the big room. If not that she loves her younger brother she wouldn't be here right, she could be halfway across the world now.

Hera flips her hair off her shoulders with an annoyed look on her face as she sees she's not the only goddess her brother Zeus had invited.

"Hera!" Poseidon waves at his older sister with a smile, she returns a tight smile and takes a sit. Zeus who invited them isn't even present yet she had to rush here almost breaking a heel.

"Sorry, sorry I'm late--I had a few issues" Zeus comes in, Hera checks her nails an attempt to ignore everyone until her name is being mentioned.

"We're here to discuss Hades" murmurs are filled in the room, gods and goddesses murmuring out their complaints about him. "I know you all have a lot of complains about him" They all nod.

"His heart was broken by Persephone"

"That isn't a reason to justify his actions!" Aphrodite the goddesses of beauty speak out and others agree with her. Hera couldn't care less about their discussion after all she's here to show her "love" for her brat of a brother.

"I know," Zeus tries to calm them down, he stands up to his full height. "He kills more than a hundred humans in a week," Apollo says.

"All are males who look exactly like the human Persephone had cheated on him with" Zeus rubs his chin.

"He's making her scared" Artemis finally speaks her voice soft and quiet yet it could still be heard in the noisy room.

"Exactly!" Zeus shoots her a grateful look, her words were able to calm the Gods and Goddesses. They all knew how insecure Hades is. The knew how much he loved her and cared for her yet she betrayed him in the most brutal way ever.

"So what should we do?" Hera finally speaks getting fed up with the arguments in the room. A happy smile forms on Zeus' face.

"We should create someone specially for him" yells were heard in the rooms again as everyone said Zeus is crazy.

"So let me get this straight: you want to create a girl for him after he was betrayed by a girl? Wow, you're really smart" Hera adds. "He would hurt her!" A god yells.

"No, let me finish" they stay quiet.

"She would have a touch of each one of us." They give him their undivided attention. "Right now. Hades thinks women are evil and are not to be trusted because of a woman. What if we create one that we're sure would never hurt Hades. One that would have no choice but to love him and stay loyal to him" Some Gods and Goddesses nods in agreement.

"You're forgetting Hades is bad-mannered. No one would stay with him because of his attitudes" Hera chimed in.

Zeus stays quiet, having no idea on how to defend his brother, he knows Hera is right. His brother is bad-mannered. "Let's create her. Maybe she could change him" Selene the goddess of the moon says and the other Goddesses agree. "He wouldn't change no matter what" this time Hera is ignored they were too excited to create her.

"I'm giving her love" Eros announced happily walking to the white crystal ball, that glows as each gift given to their creation.

"I'm giving her bravery" Artemis touches the crystal ball.

"Art," Apollo touches the ball.

"Every girl needs beauty!" Aphrodite touches the ball.

Hera sighs but gives her a gift too "The ability to have kids..."

They stare at Selene expectantly "What?" She asks secretly hoping they wouldn't ask. "Make them mates like you do with your creations," Zeus says and she shakes her head.

"I can't make them mates. Hades isn't a shifter, it would only upset the balance of nature" all their faces fall as they realize their plan is going to crash.

"But! I could give her a piece of the moon" gasps fill the room.

"You value the moon," Artemis says, "It's for Hades besides the moon is too big a little piece of reduction wouldn't change its size" she shrugs.

Hera sees no use for Selene's gift "What good would the moon do?"

"The worst monsters are attracted to the moon." Selene doesn't explain further. The crystal ball glows a Golden color and disappears they all scream in jubilation.

The gods and Goddesses were too excited to create her that they were oblivious to their mistakes.

Persephone stares at the crystal ball with hate before her lips form an evil smirk. "I too want to give my gift" and she does only hers is more a curse than a gift.

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