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Experiencing a deeply contented and satisfied feeling, arising from a consciousness of well-being.
The Thoughts.


Yes! That is the only way to save the lives of Innocents! And that is the only way I shall ever have feel at peace.

But, how do you kill a dead person?

I haven't noticed I'm picking my skin as warm sweat rolls down my back along with my disarranged hair making me look mad. Despite my displeasing looks I still have one thought in my mind.

The death of the Lord of the underworld.

A sharp knock on my door snaps me out of my train of thoughts and I cast a swift look at my door and wonder if anyone heard my plan? Do they know I'm about to kill Hades?

"Oh, Oooonyx!" I hear Gary loud voice call me. I shut my eyes in annoyance and it's then I realize it's morning already and I spent my night thinking about the death of Hades and I still couldn't find how to kill him!

"Are you still sleep?" He asks again and I lick my chapped lips and comb my hair with my fingers as I open the doors, he shrieks, "Wha... What happened to you?" He uses his fingers to illustrate how displeasing I look.

"What do you want?" I ask not minding that I'm rude to him or how my throat feels dry.

He moves closer to my bed and places the back of his palm on my forehead, "You're burning up, are you okay--- I mean you're obviously not okay..."

"Gary, I'm fine, I didn't get enough sleep last night that's why I appear sick." I pull his hand away and get up from the bed shaking my head softly as a wave of dizziness washes over me.

"I need to prepare Lord Hades' food." I say leading him towards the door.

While I take my bath, the voices got louder telling me to end Hades if I ever wanted peace. Even after my bath I didn't look better, in fact I looked almost worse.

I dressed up and left for the kitchen, "King Hades doesn't want breakfast," a maid says to me and I nod staring blankly through the window, wondering how I was going to kill him.

I could add poison into his food even if I wanted to, something as cheap like that couldn't kill him, I make my way to the library ready to search for books that would give me more knowledge about how to go on with my plan.

My head gets a little heavy and I shut my eyes in pain as my ears begin to ring, I get a glimpse of a knife coming at me and I instantly open my eyes.

The clock is ticking, best find a way to end him or end yourself.

A shrill voice says and a shiver runs down my spine, I take a deep breath and pull out an odd looking book, biting my lips I blink repeatedly, if anyone had seen they'd think I was a druggie.

I slid onto the floor as the pounding got louder and the voices increases, I sob quietly, silently begging them to stop, "Please," I plead.

Kill Hades, that's the only way you'd ever get peace!

He murdered your family!

He is a sinner, he must be punished!

I flip through the pages of the book and my eyes catches a particular topic that gains my interest, it's about a plant.

Mistletoe. According to the little I could read, it was a dangerous plant, hell, it's difficult to find. I close my eyes for second and I receive another vision of the knife.

I stagger to my feet grasping my head, I walk to the garden but before that I visit the weapon room and grab the first dagger that looked similar to the knife I had been seeing for a while.

On getting to the garden I couldn't find the damned mistletoe, it's evening time and the voices were already too loud for me to contain I banged my fist on the floor in pain.

I move to the library where I find a book that shows where I could find the mistletoe, at the edge of a cliff. It only grows once a year in underworld, thankfully we are at that time of year.

If not plucked it will wither away.

It is night already I don't care how dangerous it could be at that time of day, I seek out for the plant that would finally grant me peace and silence the voices in my head forever!

Yes, kill him, and all these would be over.

The voice said in a very alluring voice, I breath in the night air and pulled my hood over my head, despite the promise in my heart to bring death to Hades, the voices doesn't stop.

They urge me to walk faster, I didn't stop for food or anything, the more I walked the more miserable I became but the voices got little quieter, unfortunately became louder each time I took a rest.

I am finally here! I fall on my knees at the sight of the plant, it is hanging at the branch hovering over the cliff edge, weirdly enough there is only a tree here.

It makes me feel like the tree was out here for me.

What are you waiting for? Go get it!

"I am trying!" I yell into the quiet night.

Then I begin climbing the tree, thankfully it isn't too big, but it looks weak, and unstable, I stretch my hand to yank the plant off.

My fingers grasp the plant and yank it off, unfortunately the pressure applied pulls the tree out of the ground, a scream erupts from my lungs as I feel myself falling, with my hands closed and my body flying in the air I use my other free hand to find something to hold.


Thankfully I found, it was a little rock sticking out of the cliff, after a few struggles I managed to climb up, by then I was already panting and bleeding.

I sit on the ground sobbing.

Good child, now turn that plant into a weapon and destroy our enemy!

And that was what I did. I looked for a stone and blended the plant. After that I rubbed the blended plant on the blade of the dagger.

My body feels a bit calm. Even the voices seems a bit pleased with me.

I turned back ready to go to Hades, all of this had to end now!

I limped back, by the time I had gotten to Hades' mansion I was tired, frustrated, angry and dare I say mad.

I thought the voices would calm after I finished one step of the plan but they got more aggressive, reminding me all the terrible things he had done to me.

"Onyx!" My eye meet with Hades' crystal eyes that holds worry and wonder. Then he rushes down the steps to me, "Where have you been?"

I feel my eyelids dropping and my body getting weaker, before I could fall Hades catches me.

I relax in his arms and stare into his eyes.

Do it now!

And I did, I pull the dagger out my pocket and plunge it into his chest, he let out a deep gasp, his eye widen. I take a step back and stare in surprise as blood spread, his white shirt turning red, his hand hold the dagger and he dropped to his knees.

"Onyx," he whispers painfully staring at me, betrayed.


I am sorry for the extremely late upset!
I'll try to update more frequently now.

And hello new readers!
Tell me how you guys feel about this chapter!
Love ya😗

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