Article VI

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Section 1

No law shall be passed establishing a state religion or prohibiting the free exercise of any religion. All inhabitants of the United States shall have equal protection from unnecessary, unwarranted, unwanted, or intimidating proselytizing.

No law shall abridge the freedoms of speech or of the press. No law shall abridge the rights of the people to assemble or petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Section 2

All inhabitants of the United States shall have the right to a useful and remunerative job; earn enough to buy adequate necessities, luxuries, and recreations; adequate medical, dental, vision, and mental-health care that shall be fully publicly funded; enjoy good health; adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment; adequate time for sleep and other forms of rest; a good education; and a quality public defender who has had ample time to review a defendant's case.

All artists, writers, and creative workers shall receive the same dignity and ability to earn a respectable living as workers in blue- and white-collar professions. Teachers shall receive living wages and never have to pay for school supplies out of pocket.

The District, states, and territories shall no longer practice Daylight Savings Time, and they shall all be regulated by the Eastern Time Zone.

All farmers in the United States shall have the right to raise and sell their products at a return that will give them and their families a decent living.

All businesspeople in the United States shall be guaranteed the right to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies and corporations at home and abroad. No businessperson shall have the right, ability, or influence to serve in a public office or trust.

All individuals, couples, common-law couples, and families in the United States shall be guaranteed the right to decent and affordable homes and vehicles, whether they be rented, leased, or owned. The bearing, warding, fostering, or adopting of children shall not entitle families to any tax breaks.

All unions shall have the right to collectively bargain and represent the best interests of their members. All workers shall have the right to unionize and collectively bargain.

All inhabitants of the United States shall enjoy government regulations that work in their favor and look out for their best interests.

Everyone who is young, able-bodied, not a veteran or an enlisted or a reserve officer, and not a police officer or firefighter shall be treated or made to feel as if a second-class citizen.

All workers shall have the right to work less than five days a week. Workers on vacation or taking sick days shall never lose their jobs for being or doing so. Workers shall have the right to unlimited paid vacation and paid sick days. Workers shall have the right to clean and efficiently running public transportation.

No soldier shall be quartered in any home without the consent of its inhabitants. All military personnel shall be free from any religious coercion or proselytizing.

All law officers and military personnel shall wear working body cameras at all times and always have them turned on. All governments shall give deference to civilians in matters concerning abuse, illegality, and unfair practices that law officers and military personnel have been accused of committing. No law-enforcement or military agency shall receive preferential treatment of any kind from any government.

Personhood shall never apply to corporations, businesses, stores, companies, or any other comparable and nonhuman entities. Such entities shall never enjoy the right, privilege, or honor of representation in government, but shall nonetheless be taxed by law accordingly and be subject to lawsuits.

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