~ Chapter 8 ~

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Luke's POV ~

   Umm. I-I- um- I w-I umm. What. I'm confused. She loves me. HOLY CRAP JULIE LOVES ME!! Wait.... I- she's sorry?? Bout what. Is she sorry she loves me. Cause she shouldn't be.

Reggie: Why did she run off? Luke?

Alex: Luke are you ok?

(Luke is just starring in the direction Julie ran off in)

Luke: Umm... she said she loves me.

Reggie and Alex: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Reggie: That's amazing dude! But why do you look like a kicked puppy.

Luke: She said "I love you, but I'm sorry" and ran off. What does that even mean?

Alex: That is not how I thought this would play out.

The girl I LOVE, said I love you to ME and then apologizes and runs off. I am freaking out. This can not be happening. Why would she leave me in this state of death.. well confusion. I'm being a little dramatic. 

Alex: Let's get back to the studio maybe she's there?

Reggie: Yea let's go. Luke?

(In the same position)

Luke: I-I uh

Reggie: (whispers to Alex) I think she broke Luke.

(Alex rolls his eyes)

Alex: (Grabs Luke's Arm) Come on.

They flash out 

In the garage

Luke: She's not here.

Reggie: She's resting maybe?

Alex: Yeah, she'll be here later. I'm sure of it.

Luke: Ok, we should wait.

1 hour later

Reggie: Family dinner?

Alex: I'm sure she just wanted time with her family.

Luke: Or she is avoiding me.

Reggie: No, this is Julie we are talking about. 

Alex: Yea lets just wait.

Luke: Ok.

3 hour later

Luke: Ugh this is pointless. She's not coming.

This is my fault. I don't know what I did but it is my fault. She always comes into the studio after a gig.

Alex: It's late, she's probably asleep.

Reggie: Yeah probably.

Luke: I'm sick of waiting. I'm going to sleep.

Alex: Good idea, we will see her in the morning.

The next day

Where is she. This is not like Julie. I hope she is ok.

Luke: What if something happened to her. What if Caleb got her. 

Alex: Calm down, she's fine. I'm sure of it.

Luke: I have this bad feeling.

(Julie is laughing outside of the studio)

Reggie: There she is, lets go see her.

Oh thank god she is ok.

Reggie: Oh

Alex: My

Luke: NICK??

Did I see that correctly 

(Luke walks through the garage door)

Did she just KISS NICK???

Luke: Julie?


Author:  Lukey I'm sorry!

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