~ Chapter 23 ~

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Alex: So... which way first?

The band looked around at each other seeing if anyone had an idea. Alex continued to give his friends looks of help as he was waiting for the answer.

Reggie: Why are you looking at us? You and Julie are the smart ones!

Luke: Hey!

Reggie goes wide eyed as he realizes what he just said. He looks at Luke with a guilty smile and begins to come um with a excuse.

Reggie: Uh, what they are, you and me are just the pretty ones.

Luke: I-

Julie: Guys we do not have time for this. Alex, just pick a direction and walk. We just can't go to the main room.

Alex: Ok, well I vote this direction.

They all look to the direction Alex was pointing to. Julie looks to her other two band mates for reassurance, and when she gets it, she begins to walk. Luke looks at the girl as she is walking away trying to figure out what is going on inside her head. She looked nervous, as if she was hiding something.

Julie: Are yall coming?

Alex: Yeah, Luke?

Luke: Yep, lets get out of here!

As the group begins to walk with Julie leading them, Luke decides he should figure out what is bothering Julie. He speeds up to catch her and grabs her hand. Alex and Reggie only smirk at the two in front of them.

Julie: Hey.

Luke: Hey.

Julie lifts her and Luke's hands up and looks at them with a smile on her face.

Julie: I hope we never loose this.

Luke looks at their combined hands, debating what to say. He moves his eyes to her and begins to search for anything that will help him understand what she is thinking.

Luke: We won't. I won't let us.

Julie meets his eyes with a smile and content with his answer. As Luke catches her eyes, he sees the fear that she is hiding with her smile. All he can think is how could she be this scared when they were almost done with the rescue, she is almost safe.

Luke: Why do you look scared?

Julie: Just normal fear, we aren't out yet.

Luke: But we are almost o-

Caleb: So Katie, tell me what you want to start with in the club?

The band stop dead in their tracks as they hear the familiar voice of Caleb. They then realize that they went in the completely wrong direction, cause they ended up at a crossroad that led straight to the main room. 

Reggie: (whispers) We went the wrong way!

Alex: (whispers) Obviously!

Julie: (whispers) I told you we weren't out yet.

Luke: (whispers) And that will be the last time I doubt you.

Alex: Lets just stay low and quite.

They all shake their heads in agreement as the slowly bend down closer to the floor. None of them take their eyes off of Caleb.

Katie: I don't know, you know it wouldn't be the worst thing to remodel this place?

Caleb: (laughs) You know we can't do that. This place is to classic to change.

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