~ Chapter 20 ~

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Alex's POV ~

Alex: Ok...

Reggie: It was Willie's idea!

Alex: Dude!

Luke: Why does it matter, as long as it gets Julie back.

Alex: Well, it will. If we can actually pull it off. And if Katie lets us go through with it.

Katie: What are you talking about?

Reggie: It seemed like a good plan at the time, of course Julie didn't like it at first but she came around.

Katie: What is it?

Alex: Get the stamp on Caleb!

Katie: What?!?

Luke: How were yall planning on doing that?

Alex: Willie gave us a little background on the stamp. The person who applies the stamp has the ability to take it off. So we figured if we get it on him we can make some sort of deal.

Katie: And what type of deal were yall trying to make?

Reggie: We take the stamp off if he agrees to leave us alone for good, but I guess now the deal would have to be different.

Luke: So the deal can be release Julie.

Alex: Yea, but we also have to get him to leave us alone too.

Katie: And what happens if he doesn't take the deal? Yall are just going to let him die?

Alex: That was the part Julie didn't like, but we figured if he wanted to live then he would take the deal.

Katie: And how is this different then the time he put the stamp on you.

Reggie: That is completely different.

Katie: How?

Reggie: We're not evil, duh.

Katie: He forced the stamp on you, and the way to get it removed was to take his deal. Sounds pretty freakin similar too me.


Alex: But it's to get Julie back.

Reggie: Yea, right Luke?

Katie: Luke, what would Julie want?

Alex: Luke, what do you want to do?

Luke: I-... it would save Julie no matter what?

Alex: Yes, if he takes it we get her back. If he doesn't well, you know what happens.

Katie: Do you really think Julie would want to be saved that way. Think of her Luke.

Luke: ...Julie.

Luke flashes out

Reggie: Where is he going?

Alex: I-I don't know.

Luke's POV ~

Julie, I need her. I can't make this decision without her. Caleb can have me, as long as she is safe. I know she wouldn't want someone to die for her, even if it is Caleb. All I can picture is her alone and scared. And she thinks we aren't coming for her. There is no way she actually thought we would let her stay captured. 

Flashes in somewhere

What? Where am I?

Julie: Luke?

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