~ Chapter 22 ~

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No one's POV ~

Katie: Ok just go in there and act like you haven't seen your loving, caring, sweet dad in 6 months. You can do this Katie.

Katie was walking back and forth in front of the ghost club, awaiting the moment she would she her father. She begins to walk in being greeted by all the poor souls who are trapped there by here fathers command.

Katie: Dad! Dad, I'm back!

She looked around the place she was so familiar with, that she helped build. Except now it was different, it showed no sign of hope just fear. She hears the swoosh of a ghost appearing behind her. She turns around to be met with the face of her father.

Caleb: Katie? Oh Katie your back!

Caleb grabs his daughter into a hug. Katie returns it, trying to act as normal as possible.

Katie: Hey dad, how has the club been without me?

Caleb: It has been amazing, I am currently working on a new act as we speak.

Katie: Ooo, is it good?

Caleb: Yes, I believe it will be. It deals with those boys I was telling you about before you left. I have been quite busy since you left.

Katie: Not getting into trouble I hope.

Caleb: Oh no, not me! Anyways, enough about me. How have you been, did you enjoy the world?

The question that Katie didn't really know how to answer. How can she tell her dad about the world, when she hasn't seen it?

Meanwhile, with the boys

Luke: Ok, its been 20 minutes. It's time to go.

Alex and Reggie give each other the look that says "we need to keep him calm"

Alex: Luke, I know you want to get Julie out. We all do, but we need to be smart about it. We need to make rational decisions.

Luke: I know, stay calm. I can do it.

Reggie: Just remember that this will work. You will have Julie back and you can be all lovey dovey, ok?

Luke gives him the stare before quickly realizing he now has leverage against Reggie.

Luke: Oh I wouldn't talk about being lovey dovey Reg, Last time I checked you have a date soon.

Reggie grows a bright red color at his words, now learning that he has to watch his mouth while talking to the guys.

Luke: Calm down Reggie, me and Alex are happy for you. But now we really need to go.

Alex: Ok, lets go. Luke you know how to get there?

Luke: Not really, but I can find her.

Reggie: Well, lets go. We need to be back before the new episode of Greys anatomy comes out, so I can watch it with Ray.

Luke and Alex look at him with such confusion, trying to understand how he can find so much joy in such small situations.

Luke: Alright, lets go.

Luke takes the boys hands, and begins thinking about Julie. His Julie, and how much he wants to get her back. To have her safe and in his arms. With that the guys poof out.

With Caleb and Katie

Caleb: Are you alright darling?

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