i dont want to die

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20 minutes later and sure enough rhodey is there.

He closes the door of his black truck and heads in the building.

"Hey peps where is he?"

"Downstairs in the work shop." She says.

"Okay. Thanks pep"  He says as he sprints downstairs.

"Tony?" He says as he enters the workshop.

"Tones? Just came to says sorry. Tony?"

"M'right here." Tony manages to say.

"Oh god tones!" The older man yells as he sees his friend by the toilet with one hand over his arc reactor and one over the toilet out of breathe. He looks in pain. "Are you okay?" He says as he sits by stark.

"Y's oh jesus!" He yells as he clutches his arc reactor and vomits into the toilet bowl.
"Tony you need to go to the hos-" Rhodey starts.

"No!" Tony yells.

"Tony come on man."

"No. Please." He says after he catches his breath.

Tony tries to get up but his knees buckle and the next thing he knows hes on the floor.

"Tony!" Rhodey helps him get up and go to the car. "Are you okay now?'

"Hopefully. Thanks rhodey. I'm sorry for getting you into this shit." He pauses for a moment to get a breath and looks at rhodey then at his hands. "I shouldn't get you and pepper into all my shenanigans with the arc reactor its all bull shit. I should solve my own problems."

Now rhodey was sure tony should go to the hospital. Tony stark saying 'sorry' and 'thank you' in one sentence is just impossible!

"Tones you don't have to thank me or be sorry. You shouldn't have to do this alone. Anyways I'm sorry for telling everyone about the reactor. I shouldn't have said a thing."

"Its fine. Im sorry for being such a dick about it. I can't believe I said all that crap." He forces a smile.

Rhodey forces one too.

"This is getting too sappy." Tony says with a smirk.

"Agreed. Wanna go get lunch? You don't have to eat just to get out?" Rhodes offers.

"How about tomorrow. I have 3 elements to try."

"Okay. Great! Okay bye ive got a meeting with the president." With that he heads out.

"I don't want to die." Tony whispers.

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