you complete me

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Pepper awoke to tony being very quiet next to her. She nudged his shoulder. "Tony? Wake up babe." She said.

She sees him stir and grasp his shirt where the arc reactor is under and started whimpering and slowly opens his eyes.

"Hey pep." He says as he looks at the alarm clock which says 8:57 A.M.

"Are you okay?" She says as she starts getting dressed for the day.

"Yeah chest just hurts." He says before putting a pillow over his head.

"Oh. I'll bring you some motrin." She says will a grin.

"I'm not on my cycle pepsi." He says will a slight smirk under the pillow.

"I'm kidding. I'll bring Tylenol." With that she heads to the bathroom medicine cabnet.

"Oh jesus. Im sleeping until my death." Stark says as he grabs his shirt again.

"Here Tylenol." She hands him 4 white pills and a glass of water.

"Pepper youre killing me." He says as he swallows the pills and whimpers in pain as he grasps his arc reactor.

She kisses him on the cheek. "Happy's coming over at 11 for a barbeque. He misses you. I'll wake you up in 2 hours, get some rest honey." She kissed him again and lightly pats his arc reactor and smirks.

He kisses her back. "You complete me!" He says with a smirk as she leaves and hides back under pillows.

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