where's this 'cure'

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12:00 pm

Pepper, tony and rhodey decide that can't sleep so they go watch a movie. Titanic.

"Turn it up." Peppers yells.

"Okay okay." Rhodey replies with a smirk.

Tony's just reading something onhis tablet about the element that he and jarvis are working on.

3 hours later and they decide to head to bed...

"Tony?" Pepper says as she cuddles up to tony.

"Yeah babe."

"What happened earlier?"

"I don't know. Im thinking that when i fell i hit my chest on the nob on the cabinet." He says with a deep breath.

"Oh are you okay now?" She asks.

"Yeah of course." He replies and with that pepper falls asleep.

5 minutes later and tony can't sleep so he goes to the workshop.

"Jay? Where you at bud?" Tony asks as he pulls up a blue holographic screen.

"I have 5 days left. I'm sorry but I found something and I have to reschedule the finishing time sir. I have created a short term cure. It will give you and extra 7 days." Jarvis explains.

"Okay where's this 'cure'?"

"Dummies about to grab it sir."

Dummy approaches him with a blue shot.


"Now put that it your side, preferably the left side of the arc reactor." The A.I says.

He lifts up his shirt and places the needle right next to the reactor. He winces when the needle and blue juice goes in. He immediately feels worse but sees the silver going away.

"However, the symptoms include: drowsiness, severe vomiting, pailness, and it will make your chest pains extremely worse. But the toxicity should go down to about 59%"


"I know sir. The symtoms will start in 6 hours so I would recommend going to sleep sir."

"Lights out bud." Tony says as he walks away and pats dummies head.

He kisses pepper and falls asleep

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