i know it will work

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30 minutes later...

Tony wakes himself up to go get a new core because he hasn't changed it for about 6 hours.

"Ugh!" He yells when he grabs his chest again. He doesn't want to get the bed is just so comfortable and he has to go all the way downstairs and his ch-

"Hey tony. I heard you what do you need." Pepper is right there by his side at an instant kisses his cheek. How did he get this lucky.

"Nothing I just need a core. I'm sorry for bringing you out of your work." He says as he kisses his wife.

"I'll go get it for you baby. Oh and you gave me off remember." She saysas she smiles and kisses his cheek.

"Thank you honey. Oh yeah!" He says then immediately regrets it when he grabs his chest and groans.

2 minutes later and pepper is back with a core.

"Thank you." Tony says then unbuttons his shirt.

She sees the purple lines all around his chest and neck and the raw skin around the arc reactor.

"Dang babe." She says as he buttons up his shirt again. He throws away the core.

"I know. Its bad." He says with a frown and lays back down.

"Hey, we got a new elementary right! So thats amazing!!" She says extremely happily.

"If it even works." He says with an even bigger frown.

"I know it will work!" She says as she kisses his cheek.

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