hands behind your back

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What if tony went to jail when hw was saving his life? Read to find out!!😊❤💛 oh yeha i cant spell 😋 so dont tell me. Please comment it makes my day!!❤💛❤💛

Tony just left from seeing pepper. He takes a look at his dads "city of the future" thing or whatever. And he felt a very painful pang of pain come from his arc reactor. He takes off his sweater, undershirt and jacket to find his arc reactor dark as night.

"Shit!" He says before he quickly puts his undershirt back on and decides to leave the other ones off. He quickly grabs his fathers thing.

"Hello Mr. Stark." A woman says to him as he makes his way to the elevator.

He completely ignores her and sprints his way into the elevator. He peers down his shirt and quickly takes the reactor out to find that the core is burnt. 'Great!' He thinks to himself. He takes the core out and throws it in his pocket.

When the elevator comes to a stop he realises he's starting to feel fatigued and out of breath. His chest starts to hurt too. Its only been 5 minutes and he's already having symptoms of the shrapnel.

He makes it to his car, ignoring the paparazzi, and has to take a long deepish breath. 'Fuck! How could I be so stupid to not bring the core box!' He curses himself. He catches his breath and rubs his face. He gets out of the parking lot.

He gets onto the highway. He reads a sign thats says 45 mph.

He realizes that if he goes that speed he won't have enough time to make it to his workshop.

Instead he goes 90. Two minutes later he sees a cop behind him. He makes him pull over.

"Fuck!!" He says and hits the steering wheel. The cop gets out and makes his way to the car.

"Mr. Stark I know you're famous and all but really going 90. That's n-" He starts but is cut off by tony.

"Okay! okay I get it. But I'm really in a sticky situation here! I need to make it home like right now so could you please..." He says. He can feel the shrapnel moving already! He's really starting to feel fucked up.

"Oh really. What could be SO important that you have to speed!?" The cop says sarcasticly.

Tony thinks for a moment. No one besides Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy know about the reactor. He must make a choice and fast he either tells the cop, or lies. "My robots are playing with matches and they are about to set my house on fire so i need to get home right now!" He lies.

"Oh, Well I'll call a firef-"

"Unnecessary! Ive got it if you could just let me off the ho- oh god!!!!!!!" He screams in pain and grasps his chest. He squeezes his eyes shut. He can feel the shrapnel go through layers of tissue in his chest. The pain quickly recedes and he opens his eyes to the, very stupid, cop.

"Making excuses?! What was that?" He asks.

"You know what." He stops to take a breath. "Bye!" He says and presses the brakes. His chest is really hurting now... BAD. He notices the cop following him. He doesn't care at this point.
He steps on the gas and quickly drives home. The cop still following him. Tony's past 99 mph now. And the cop turns his sirens on. "Shit!!!" He yells at the cops.

"Son of a bitch!!" He screams when a pain hits him in the chest and makes him swerve in the road and hits a car. "Jarvis? Put a new palladium core right by the door for me will ya! We're in deep trouble now Jay" He screams at Jarvis. Its been 15 minutes and the pain in his chest are getting worse and it getting hard to drive.

"On it sir. There are 4 cop cars following you now, and the shrapnel has moved 3 centimeters. Sir."

"Yeah yeah!" He says a he wipes the sweat starting to from on his face. He NEEDS to get home now!

After what seemed like centuries he finally makes it home with not a minute to lose. He gets out of the car and ignores the 7 cops shouting at him.

He gets inside and immediately finds the core and changes it just as the police come in.

Tony knows the immediate effects following the new core being put in. He starts swaying and leans on an angry cop for support. He which pushes him off.

"Do you know how fast you were going?! How many people you couldve injured just to come home and do nothing important!!" He says as he pushes Tony's arms away. "Hands behind your back!'' The cop says before pulling out handcuffs.

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