✦ › ♡˖°꒰ epilogue◞ ̑̑

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between you and me

"between you and
me, there's no us."


taehyun just silently stared at the guy causing his heart to be abnormal and why he was felt these weird feelings.

it feels good to feel everything he feels because of him and every time he's with the older but he doesn't know that all the pleasure he feels has a substitute for pain.

and that's because of that him, because of beomgyu.

taehyun no longer realizes that tears are starting to drip down his cheeks as he watches beomgyu being hugged by a guy he doesn't know.

he accepts to himself that he really loves his best friend. he's here now to find the older and talk to him. he found beomgyu in the park again- where he found beomgyu before.

it was also there that taehyun remembered the important person that beomgyu talked to in this park and he realized that the important person was the guy with pink hair who was hugging him now.

and what's even more painful is that maybe this guy is loved by beomgyu, not like him that beomgyu just loves as a best friend.

taehyun can't help but be jealous of the guy with pink hair because if he's really the one that beomgyu loves and wants to be with for the rest of his life, he's very lucky because there is a beomgyu who loves him.

beomgyu whom he loves so much and doesn't want to lose him.

but who is he? he is just a best friend.

he noticed beomgyu standing up from their seat on a bench. taehyun's eyes widened when beomgyu looked at him, he was smiling at him- a sweet smile as if he already knew he was looking at them.


taehyun blinked, he wanted to run away from him but his feet seemed to be glued to the ground because he couldn't move it anymore.

the pink haired boy looked at taehyun then smiled. beomgyu walked closer to taehyun while yeonjun- the pink haired boy followed him.

when they finally got close to taehyun the younger one was surprised when beomgyu suddenly hugged him tightly, as if that was his last hug.

yeonjun just watched them while smiling. he was smiling but he was actually sad for the two of them. for beomgyu who will return to heaven and leave the guy he loves and for taehyun who has no idea that once beomgyu returns to heaven he will never remember him.

he's also sad for the two because it is obvious in their eyes that they love each other very much but they can't because taehyun is a mortal and beomgyu was his former imaginary friend who is now an angel.


beomgyu immediately cut him off, "lets stay like this for a moment, please."

taehyun was taken aback by what the older said, he couldn't believe that beomgyu- his best friend was saying this to him.

but as beomgyu wanted they remained in that position, the older hugged him tightly. while taehyun no longer hesitated and hugged the older back.

it was only then that he returned to his mind what he and hueningkai talked about after he realized his true feelings for his best friend.

"so what if i love him?" taehyun asked hueningkai and gave him a faint smile, "i know that the feelings are not mutual, hyuka."


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